The Sacrifice

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The one, who broke the rule was nobody else than the son of the mayor himself. If it had been anyone else, the consequences for them would have been fatal.

The young man often spent his time with hunting down any animal of the forest just for his own entertainment. Soon he knew every path like the back of his hand and his hunting sessions lost their appeal.

Which lead to the mayor's current dilemma.

It began with his son bursting through his door, panting like a dog. It took him several minutes to catch his breath, before he was able to tell his father what happend. 

The hunter killed a deer for it's antlers, which didn't go unnoticed by the giant. As soon as he heard his thundering footsteps he fleed from the forest with the help of his horse.

The mayor knew the giant would pay them a visit to take revenge for irrupting his territory and probably for killing the deer, too. A long time ago he decided, that the person, who broke the rule would be sacrificed to the giant as punishment.
But he couldn't sacrifice his only son and the future mayor to the beast.

Someone else had to take his place.


For Noah the day started like any other day. He got ready for the day and would  leave the house to go to work soon.

This moring was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Miss Willow opened the door and was greeted by two men in uniform. The taller one of them stepped forward.

"Hello Miss Willow, we were send by our mayor to take the oldest child with us." said the man with an autoritarian voice.

This made Noah freeze. He was with 15 years the oldest child of the orphanage. What could the mayor himself possibly want from him? Sure, he dealt with the guys at the door once or twice already, because they caught him stealing, but they never brought him to their mayor!

His thoughts were interrupted by Miss Willow's voice.
"Noah! Come here, please."

With hesitant steps he met Miss Willow at the door.
"May i ask what you are going to do with him." asked the elderly woman.

"We are just here to collect the child not to answer questions." was the only answer she got.
With that they grabbed Noah by his shoulders and took him with them. She just let them. It was an order of their mayor after all.


The two "knights" led him out of the village.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?! The mayor lives in the opposite direction!" yelled Noah.

"Shut up! You will find out soon enough." said one of them without looking at him.

Noah let out an annoyed sigh and let them drag him along without another word.
Soon he saw several other knights and the mayor outside of the village.

"Ah! The solution to our problem!" shouted the mayor with a big fake smile.
"What are you talking about?!" demanded the teenager.

The mayor only huffed out a laugh.
"Normally i would strike you for your attitude, but i will have mercy with you. This will be your last moments afer all."

Noah paled.

"What? No snarky response?"

The boy tried to find his voice again, but it came out as a stutter.
"W-what do you mean? I-i did nothing wrong!"

"Good point, but while you might not deserve it, nobody will miss you, if you are gone though. So here you are!"

Panic flooded Noah's frail body. He tried to make a break for it, but one of the guards wrestled him to the ground. His breath was knocked out of him and couldn't get up again. He felt his hands being tied together behind his back. After he couldn't fight back anymore, the man pulled him roughly off the ground. Noah glared at the mayor with as much hatred as he could muster.The man just smiled at him.

Suddenly the ground started to shake.

"Looks like our guest has arrived."


The first chapter is out! Yay!

Soooo.... what do you think? Please leave a comment :)

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