Chapter 5

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Isla Riddle's POV

I woke up from a loud banging on the door. I knew that it was time to get up, so I hesitantly dragged myself off the bed to the door to open it.

"Finally, I've been banging for half and a hour" Blaise said in a tired sigh. I could see Draco, who's hair was sticking up slightly sitting on the sofa. "Wake Iva up, we are running late to class and we need still need to eat breakfast plus it's our first day!"

"Morning sleepy head, you have ten minutes to get ready so hurry up" Leonardo said.

"Blaise do me a favor and wake Iva up" I said in my morning raspy voice. "And what if I don't want to?" "Blaise it wasn't a question, get the fuck inside the dorm and wake Iva up right now" I said.

"Jeez chill fine" he said while heading to Iva's bed.

I grabbed a school uniform I was given the night before, I went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit. I had a white buttoned shirt, with a black Slytherin robe. It also had a black, silver, and green skirt. I put a black leggings under it. Then finally, the finishing touch was a green and silver tie.

I can hear Ivanna begging Blaise to leave her sleep for five minutes and Leo trying to calm Blaise down coz am pretty sure he wants to punch her or something. I silently laughed under my breath.

"Aw, Iva woke up" I teased, opening the bathroom door to grab a brush, I began to comb my hair. Once I was done, I flicked the hair out of my face. By now we were all done and ready to go to breakfast "Well, we are all done and ready, can we go to breakfast now" said Draco.

I grabbed my wand off the bed, my fingers running over the designs on it. "Ok come on let's go."

We exited the dorm, heading down the long series of stairs. Reaching the common room, I looked out the big window. I smiled at the view, it was truly beautiful. I turned around to the group as we exited the common room.

"Who stole my lollipop!?" Blaise asked angrily. "What the fuck is a lOLLipOP?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh they're these stupid muggle candies that Blaise have been obsessed with ever since he visited the muggle world." Draco said. "Hey! don't you dare call my beautiful babies stupid, Mr. Skittles"

"Oh shut up at least skittles tastes better than your 'babies'"

"Oh yeah shore"

---------*Time Skip to the Great Hall*---------

I sighed and looked towards the Slytherin table, which was already filled with students and food. I could see Leo's mouth dropping at the sight of the large amount of food. I can see Theodore waving for us to sit next to him.

I took a seat between Iva and Theo, while Draco sat in between Pansy and Blaise. Suddenly, pure jealousy took place over me, I brushed the feeling off and started eating.

"So Isla what classes are you looking forwarder to the most?" asked Theo.

"Probably Potions and Astrology" I answered.

"What about you pretty British boy" he asked Leo.

"Mmm...Transfiguration and Charms" Leo answered.

"Interesting, can I take a look at everyone's time table?" Blaise said. "Sure" we all said and giving him our timetable "Umm...Isla, You and Draco have a similar time table, Theo am sorry but you are gonna be a single pringle for three days, Iva you and Mr. pretty British boy have the same classes together" said Blaise wiggling his eye brows at them.

I take my time table from Blaise and take a look at it, I had kind-of-not-interesting classes.

- Monday:

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