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Perrie: babe

Jade: yes? Why are you still awake

Perrie: I'm overthinking

Jade: about?

Perrie: what if you end up liking someone else?

Jade: babe

Jade: we've been together for a year now and my love for you hasn't change one bit

Perrie: but like what Justin Bieber said, "you can't predict the future so just hold on like you will never let go"

Jade: and just like what he said, "if it is not you it's not anyone"

Jade: babe I love you so damn much. I can't even see myself being with someone else anymore.

Jade: you're it for me

Jade: I hope you can keep that in mind. If I have to remind you everyday, I'll never get tired

Jade: I just want you to feel secured because I don't want you ever thinking that I'm going to love someone else

Perrie: I'm sorry

Jade: don't be sorry

Jade: I should be

Jade: it's part of my job to make you happy, secured and loved. If you're thinking that I'll love someone else, it means I'm not doing a great job

Jade: I love you, okay? I love you I love you I love you and I love you

Perrie: I love you more 🥺❤️

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