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~ picture of Aleen's Hair now.~

"Scooch over" I look up to see Josh, my bully since first grade.

"There are other seats Josh'' I'm determined not to let him get to me for God's sake we're 15!

Bringing his face close to mine I smell his minty breath smirking he says "does it look like I care Aleen? Move. the hell over."

That hit a nerve.

I scooted over to the window seat. After he sits down, I wonder why he chose to sit by me. We are on a bus with other empty seats.

"You know you really get on my nerves, and I'm sick of it Josh. We're 15 not 10 so grow the hell up, and stop acting like a jerk."

His eyes grow wider each second he stares at me. Of course I have talked back but never like this.

"You always act like a jerk. And for what? Does seeing me mad make you happy? Is this some type of sick joke? What is it huh?! You get on my nerves one more time, and you won't like what comes next. I'm not the same pathetic girl I used to be. I've changed, but you haven't, so you better fix that, or I'll fix it for you. Got that??" I watch for a reaction and he nods "good"

If he thought I was kidding, he had another thing coming.

Since 8th grade I've changed a lot, but he didn't know. I've gotten prettier, smarter, stronger, and more confident but HE did not notice.

This year is different. This year it my turn to show him who I am. No more shy nerdy Aleen. No, I'm being myself, and it is time to show who I am, and what I can do.

Taking two pieces of gum out of my gray backpack I hand him one

He looks at me questionably but takes it anyway. "Thanks."

"No problem." I said nodding

I look out the window of the yellow bus and see black, red, gold , silver and blue cars pass us to go into the school

"Everyone off." the bus driver says. I step off the bus and head towards the doors. I'm almost there when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Jumping I turn around and see Josh

Groaning I said "whattttttt?"

"Your kidding right" looking him dead in the eye I admitted

"No Josh, I'm sick of you," he laughs, What's so funny? Does he think this is a joke?

"You'll always be a nerd Aleen no matter what," now it's my turn to laugh. Standing on my tiptoes I whisper

"That's where you're wrong. You're about to see who I really am." Patting his shoulder I turn around and head to class, never looking back.


"Aleennn,What did you do?" asked Jaxson as we head to first hour

I groan " how the fuck does everyone know?"

"Well i mean he literally pulled me aside and asked what the hell was wrong with my "girlfriend" and i was like first im single second i don't know and i don't care"

Snorting I say " I may or may not have snapped at him?"

"Serves him right"

" i knowwww he was getting on my nerves"

"Shit i barely talk to him. But after all the things you've said about him makes me wanna punch him"

"I mean you know i won't stop you right?" i ask wiggling my eyebrows

Putting a Arm around me we walk to class and make jokes the whole way there,But! Right when i reach my desk the speakers screech "Aleen Leonard to The principal's office. I repeat Aleen Leonard to the principal's office please."

Groaning i Walk to the Office OHH! Rightttt i forgot New BOY!!!! Wonder if he's going to be a jerk, or a new friend ?

 "Ahh, Aleen thank you so much for volunteering to show our knew student around. This is Logan hilard. Please welcome him. And show him around will you?" she motions towards a guy with hair raven black and eyes as blue as the ocean. He's very handsome. He could get a girl in 2.0 seconds not breaking a sweat.

Eyeing me lazily he holds out a hand.

" im logan hilard and you are?"

Nice manners i guess

" Aleen Leonard nice to meet you i guess?"

He smiles ever so slightly

" Really? Just i guess"

" yeah just i guess. Sooo ready for the grand tour?"

Chuckling he says " i was born ready."

" im sure." i say rolling my eyes

Player  i thought


"Hey! Aleen!" i'm currently walking to my Table to Wait for Jaxson after grabbing a Chef Salad and a can of soda in hand. When i hear my name coming from the


I watch as he catches up to me, forcing me to stop in the middle of our cafeteria i dont wanna act like a jerk, do i?

" ohhh.. Hey Logan, Whats up? Do you need Anything? Someone giving you trouble?" i ask giving a awkward chuckle

" oh uh, no no it's all good. I was just wondering if I could sit with you?" he says reaching his hand behind his neck.

Why is this so awkward.... Hmm.

" well of course you are welcome to,but like are you sure you dont wanna sit at a different table im getting the vibe some people would love the hot new boy at their table.'' I say smirking.

He Watches me with a twinkle in his eye before finally answering

" well i don't exactly know them, do i? Also did you just call me hot?"

" and you know me?"

"You did give me a tour didn't you?"

Scoffing i start walking to my table and motion for him to follow me.

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