•Chapter 2•

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[[edd's p.o.v]]

there was a knock on the door. "i'll get it." i groaned, standing up and walking towards the door. i unlocked the door and opened it. i stood, speechless, looking at the red-hooded, scarred man standing in the doorway. "tord?!" i stepped back, reeling my hands towards my chest. "surprised to see me, old friend?" he shrugged, his voice rising and lowering. "you- i- but-" i stuttered. he stood there, tilting his head the slightest bit. "what?" he asked. i blinked and hugged him. "i'm so glad you're back, tord.." my voice was muffled by his sweater. "aw, no need to be so sweet, edd." he rubbed my back gently with his hand, before i pulled away. "come on in!" i walked in, tord behind me. the attention had drawn matt, who was standing beside tom in the living room. tom immediately narrowed his eyes. "i thought the commie here died, edd. is this a joke? there's no way he can be alive after-" tord stopped in his tracks and cleared his throat, interrupting tom. "thanks for the nickname. as well, your so called 'cool power throw' wasn't that powerful." he scoffed. "because i'm still here, bitch." tord flipped off tom, sticking his tongue out. tom stood up, and i thought he was gonna punch tord, or worse. i braced myself. "i'm going to the bar." tom huffed, knocking tord upside the head as he walked out. matt flinched when the door slammed. hey edd, who's this?" he had a handheld mirror in his hands. "it's me! tord? don't you remember me?" tord raised his hands. "oh! todd! did you get in a fight with ringo?" he pointed at tord's scars. tord looked down at the ground for a second but rose his head to answer.

[[tord's p.o.v]]

"it's hard to explain.. but to sum it up, tom shot a harpoon at my massive robot, and it exploded." matt furrowed his eyebrows. "i'm sorry todd." "tord." i corrected him. "we thought you died. or, i did, at least." edd smiled. i smiled slightly. "well, i'm here! healthy and alive." the room went silent for a good 5 minutes. "why dont we watch something? eh, matt? edd?" edd nodded eagerly, but matt was gone. his face went worried. "huh." i looked down the hall. "look like it's only you and me, edd. i heard they just released 'Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 5'! hm?" i held up a disc. the worried look on his face disappeared. "i'll cut up some fruit!" he leapt up and ran to the kitchen, ringo trotting behind him. clangs of pots and pans, and the sharp shing! of a knife. i cringed. 'what am i getting myself into?' i sighed, turning on the t.v. i put in the disc, and tilted my head to the kitchen. "you done in there, edd?" "almost!" replied a focused but also cheery edd. a loud, sharp inhale from edd in the kitchen, followed by a small groan and the start of the kitchen sink. i stood up and walked to the kitchen. i saw a bent-over edd, a meowing ringo, and a pool of something red on the floor. "edd, give me your hand." "no, please, i'm fine." he protested. "now." i held my hand out. he sighed as he put his injured hand in mine. i inhaled, seeing the slash on his hand. it was roughly the size of the handle of a knife. "jesus, what did you do, edd?" i said a bit harshly, narrowing my eyes a bit. i looked up at him; his eyes were filled to the brim with tears. "i'm sorry.." he whispered. i immediately regretted my tone. "hey hey, it's okay. it's okay. here, let's get your hand bandaged up." i grabbed bandages and gently wrapped his hand. he winced as i applied some pressure, but once i was done he sighed and wiped his eyes. "there you go. you're so strong, edd. let's go watch the movie, okay?" i put my arm around him as we walked to the living room. i grabbed a blanket and started the movie. edd sat beside me. i felt something touch my hand, so i grabbed it. ( A/N: DONT DO THAT ALL THE TIME-) edd looked at me, his face a bit red. i looked down and- of course it was his hand. why wouldn't it be? i looked away and rubbed my neck. 'wow tord, great way to ruin the vibe. but.. he isn't taking his hand away..' i looked over. he was watching the movie, all cuddled in his blanket, relaxed with holding my hand. i smiled and started to watch.

[[ WORD COUNT : 785 ]]

// A/N Note: dang 😀 that escalated quickly. anyways um chile so- im kinda falling outta the fandom? slightly? i'll try to update this the best i can^^ //

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