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"Ow, stop, that hurts." I whine as I sit on the counter with a towel wrapped around my body since I had just taken a shower.

"Shut up stop being dramatic, I'm helping you by putting cream on you're bruises." Megan rolls her eyes. "I have to go now since I'm looking for a part time job." She says, putting the ointment cream on the counter. "Jason will be driving me since you and I came in one car. Bye."

Before I could say anything she bolted out of the bathroom and down the hall. I look down at my purple and blue legs. At least they looked better than yesterday.

"Kate, come down, I made us pancakes." Selena yells from the kitchen.

"Okay." I yell back. I loved pancakes so much, so I was in a much brighter mood than a couple minutes ago.

"Good morning Mr. Smith." I say walking down the wide stairs.

"Hello Kate, did you just wake up? It's already 2 you know." He warmly smiles as he looks at his watch.

"Yes you know me, I'm not much of a morning person." I say as I pull out two plates and utensils from the cabinet and I place them on the dining room table.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again. I have to get going, good bye." He waves and walks out the door.

"You're legs look better." She points out as she grabs the whipped cream and sprays a large amount in her mouth.

"Selena, I keep telling you to stop doing that." An elegant women appears in the kitchen. "Oh dear, Kate, what happened to your legs." She looks at me in fright as she smacks her hand on her mouth.

"Mom." Selena whines. "We were just playing around and Jason pushed her down the stairs." She says angrily but then looks back at me with a devilish smile.

"Great, way to blame it on your brother." I sarcastically whisper.

"That dickhead deserves it." She whispers back stomping her foot on the floor.

Selena could be so childish at times.

Once we finished eating, Selena tugged me up the stairs and to her huge closet.

"Here." She hands me a short dark pink strapless dress.

"It's cute, but why are you giving me this."

"Why do you think." She pulls out black pumps and a black puffer jacket as she hands them to me. "You'll be wearing this today."

"Why would I do that, I'm injured." I look at her cluelessly.

"Well..." She smiles suspiciously. "We're going on a double date today, with my baby and one of his friends."

"No way." I shake my head. I couldn't possibly do that. I'm not ready for a relationship, I literally just got cheated on a couple days ago.

"I know what you're thinking." She sighs as she holds my hands. "Just think of this as a way to meet a new friend and to meet my baby."

I look at her with that 'are you for real' face, but then I pause to think about it. She was right after all, I did need new friends. Since I was dating that asshole Cole back in college, I never really had the time to make friends.

"Okay, but I don't want to get involved with any mafia shit."

"Don't worry, me either." She says as she changes into her dark blue dress.

Selena did my hair while I put on my heels.

"So, who's the friend Matteo's bringing?" I ask while putting on hoop earrings.

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