Chapter Ten

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A/N: Valentine's day is just around the corner so I am planning of doing a valentine's day special when that day comes :)

Warnings: Blood.


Second Person

The demons around your small group vanish back into their realm, making you feel uneasy as you start to shoot your gaze into multiple directions, never softening the grip on your sword. In the corner of your eyes, you see one of the demons reaching his manly hands towards you and as he does so, you casually slice through his neck, perfectly decapitating his head.

Kazumi and Tanjiro stare at you, flabbergasted as you look down at the head in interest, "That was a close one!" You huff but when you look back at Tanjiro, your eyes widening in realization.

"Tanjiro! Don't get close to the wall!" You yell but it is already too late, a demon pops out of a portal on a nearby house and Tanjiro sends an attack towards it. This carries on for a few moments and suddenly you feel a jolt come from the box and you shoot your attention towards Nezuko who has just jumped out of the box and kicked a demon in the face right before he was about to grab you.

"N-Nezuko!" You exclaim and she just turns to you with an innocent glint in her pink hues.

The main demon of the pack arises from the portal and stares at Nezuko with a menacing glare.

"Why would a couple of mere humans be accompanying a demon?" He asks in curiosity before wondering off back into the ground, the demon who has been attacked by Nezuko following in pursuit.

You start to scold Nezuko for placing herself in such a situation but she ignores you whilst stepping up towards the two innocent bystanders, Kazumi and the unconscious girl. Kazumi seems to take a step back in fear but then hesitates when Nezuko places her hands onto each of their cheeks.

"Nezuko..." Tanjiro mumbles surprisingly, causing you to smile sweetly.

So Urokodaki really did do it then.

You sternly glare at where the demons once were standing before you turn to Tanjiro. "Look, the only way we would be able to defeat them is if we attack from the inside. That way we will be able to corner them where they least suspect it, otherwise we will here for ages," You start, turning to Nezuko.

"Nezuko, I want you to protect the people, would you do that for me?" You kindly ask her and the girl just nods cutely at you before stepping in front of the two villagers protectively.

"Right, Tanjiro, I want you to..." You look down hesitantly and you start thinking of a small plan.

"Stay here, the demons will be popping in and out of their little hideout and I am going in and doing the deed myself!" You imply, jabbing your thumb to your chest sheepishly.

Before anyone could say anything, you jump into the nearest portal, ignoring Tanjiro's distressed voice that is calling your name.


At the moment, You, Tanjiro and Nezuko are standing in front of the last demon who is sitting helplessly squirming on the floor, his arms decapitated by Tanjiro's attacks.

Long story short, You killed the second demon in the swamp and retrieved the cloth with various hair pins on it before you finally got back to the area where the fight was taking place. At this point, your (H/L) hair is dripping of the heinous liquid, and you feel like you are going to be sick from how much you stunk of it. This has also fueled your annoyance, scaring the demon more as you bore your eyes into his skull.

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