Chapter 1, Part 2 ~Host Wanabe~

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His Secret!!!


Chapter 1, part 2

{Pic or Aron Lynne} ——————————>>>>>>>>>>

Ciara’s Point of View

‘School’ I said to myself as I mentally groaned while staring up at the sign that said ‘Benford High.’

All around me cars and buses were strolling in and students were bustling about.

While I grudgingly strode my red bicycle to the bike racks and got off my bicycle, proceeding with my daily routine of taking out the chain for my bike from my black backpack and securing the chain around the front wheel of my bike and the silver pole on the bike rack and locking it.

Yet, another boring day

I thought to myself as I trudged into the crowded halls of Benford High and mechanically ignored everything and everyone around me while making my way to my locker.

As I approached my locker I had to literally roll my hands into fists at my sides and grit my teeth to keep from groaning out loud and stomping my feet as I saw Aron Lynne and his new girlfriend kissing while leaning on MY locker!

I had been standing in front of the obnoxious couple for about twenty minutes now and I couldn’t help but think come up for breath at least you uncaring losers!

After the school bell rang for the second time and the hallways had slowly cleared up I was fuming mad to say the least.

If I were a cartoon right about now there would be steam coming out of my ears and nose and I’d be the color red from my toes up to my head.

But I wasn’t a cartoon I was a girl who’d had just about had enough of an obnoxious bastard using her locker as a kissing booth EVERY single morning!

But this time I refused to let him get away with it so I did the only that I was able to without getting myself noticed.

I moved away from the couple and walked into the girl’s washroom in the next hallway and whipped out my cellphone setting the function of my phone to private caller and dialing Aron’s phone number.

(And yes, I do indeed have each and every single one of the guy’s phone numbers that are staying at my sister’s mansion. You know just in case I ever need them in the house when I don’t want them to see me—as a distraction, I’d just call them on their phones, and run the minute they turn their backs towards me, like the devils at my heels)

The phone kept on ringing for five more minutes before Aron finally picked up and almost growled into the phone annoyed. I smiled to myself as I spoke into the phone confident that Aron wouldn’t recognize my voice (since although he’d been using my locker as his personal kissing booth for like forever now, I’d never once bothered to push him out of the way or talk to him since it would attract too much attention to myself).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2012 ⏰

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