I Love Cat-Fights! But of course no one knows.............;)

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Chapter 1, part 1

Fabian's Point of view [a pic of Fabian will soon be uploaded]~~~~~~~~~>~~~~~>

"You bitch! How dare you kiss my Faby!" exclaimed Victoria, in front of the expertly hidden camera she didn't know was recording her every word and action, at Tammy, her worst enemy, making me laugh out loud at the mess I'd created for my own pleasure.

Though luckily I'm in the safety of my own room with no one around to see my 'ugly' side.

Being Fabian Stronghold the son of the actor and director Carl Stronghold and Royal advisor Vinny Stronghold is a big responsibility. Especially when your hobbies consist of purposely causing girls to fight over you in front of a big audience and then recording them and then watching them over and over again for my own amusement.  

To tell you the truth this is just one of the many secrets I have stashed away for times I'm in the comforts of my own room with none of the guys in the dorm intruding in on me.

Als I seriously need to keep up with my nonchalant and un-caring image at school, or else I'll have no friend and will most likely be friendless for the rest of my life.

But of course I have nothing to worry about because no one and by that I mean NO ONE! knows about this secret of mine and it's gonna stay that way.

That reminds me it's due time I broke up with Victoria, I mean I have no use for her anymore any ways.........

(knock knock)

"Who is it?" I ask as I quickly turn off the tv and close off my mini cam corder and pick up my cell phone and pretend to be busy in texting to any random person on my friend list while I open the door to my room.

"Hey, just checking to see if our hot dorm mother's in your room. Her new yet crazy boy toy's eagerly awaiting her downstairs" said yan as he casually intruded into my room and started chewinf on my 3rd degree burn Doritoes.

"Nope, I think she said something about her non-existence younger sister or something" I replied while turning on my tv and switching to a local news channel.

"Don't remind me, I mean that woman sure does love talking about her younger sister. Though what I don't get is that when we all first moved to this dorm we were all told that a girl lives in this dorm other than of course our hot dorm mother. But so fa we rarely see our dorm mother much less that 'sister of hers" Ryan emphasised by hand motions.

"True, but like that matters. In fact I think it's better this way, we dn't have to worry about ruining her precious younger sisters innocense by coming to breakfast naked, like after the last New Years Eve party when we all got drunk over our limits.

"Ugh! Don't remind me!" <~~~~{Is barely a whisper}

"What was that?!" Ryan and I exclaimed suddenly as we heard a faint whisper from who knows where.

I looked at Ryan once more to see if this was one of his ingenious pranks, but he was as freaked out as me. Actually he looked even more freaked out than me.

"Dude, this is like the millionth time I've heard faint voices in this house....Perhaps this place is haunted or something" he took the words going through my mind and looked aroundd cautiously.

"Stop joking around would ya? And get those nasty fingers out of my Doritoes! I mean do you even wash your hands?" I said kicking him out my room and sending Victoria a dump text at the same time.

I know I'm a sick guy for doing this to her, but hey it's her fault for being such a bore that I only had one use for her, which was of course personal amusement.

As that thought passed through my mind I watched the recent at-fight recording one more time before finally going to bed.

Ciara's Point of View

"Phew!! That was a close ne" I whispered to my self as I checked the the mikes and rity room once more to see if I mistakenly pressed yet another mike and said things which don't want any of the guys I'm spying on to find out about.

But seriously speaking I'm starting to get bored of all this. I mean so far it's all happening as if on rewind and play.

None of these guys have done anything new for three whole months!

And worst yet Fabian was my last hope, but so far all he's done is have Victoria Denin have yet another boring cat-fight with the one girl she always fights with. I MEAN SERIOUSLY! He didn't even have to date any one of the two girls two h=make them have a cat-figth, all he really needed to do was tell one girl that the other girl was much prettier than the other or something along the lines and there you have it!

Anyways I'd usually wait and watch one of the other guys do what ever else they've been doing as a routine for the past 3 months. But I'd rather just watch a classical comedy movie and then head to bed.

I securly lock up my personal 'spying lair' or the security room as most people call it and head to the secret elevator that only goes to the top floor, or should I say my personal quarters where no one but me and Ashley are allowed and then I grab some left over pizza and head to my room.



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