Ch 10 - The Disappearances of Remus Lupin

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Operation: No Way Out (as James had dubbed it) was an unmitigated success. All around the castle students were crashing into invisible barriers. Professors weren't spared either. Slughorn was knocked back several feet when he tried to stride into his classroom for weekend grading. Head Boys and Girls stormed about, angry that the blockage to their private toilets delayed their morning routines; Lucius Malfoy's hair was noticeably mussed throughout the day. Even though it was a simple spell to reverse, Professor Flitwick enjoyed a chuckled as he pretended to have difficulty releasing the Great Hall.

James, Sirius, and Peter revelled in their success and especially in that fact that, so far, they had evaded punishment. As it was a drizzling Saturday, they took off for a romp around the castle. Taking advantage of the chaos, they decide to sneak about replacing several of their charms around unsuspecting Slytherins.

Branwen though, found it hard to enjoy their success. One of her friends was still missing. She didn't know what to do about Remus, other than visit their usual haunts, both hoping and dreading to find him. She felt that no matter where he was, the reason for his absence couldn't be a good one. She prowled the dark corners of the library to no avail. Throwing a heavy cloak on, she scoured the Quidditch pitch and the shores of the Black Lake. He was no where to be found.

She returned to the common room and was beginning to consider alerting McGonagall when the portrait door swung open. Remus stumbled in, supporting himself on one side with a crutch.

"Remus!" Thankfully he had made his way far enough into the room so that he collapsed into an overstuffed armchair when Branwen threw herself at him. "Where have you been?"

"The hospital wing," he replied, "I, uh, fell down some stairs."

"And you couldn't have sent word to us?" Branwen leaned back. When she realised that she was squashing his bruised body, she slipped to the floor beside him. "I was so worried."

He glanced away, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "I guess the others didn't mind too much though."

"They're boys," she waved it off. "No offence but you lot aren't always the most sensitive."

He changed the subject. "I saw that the prank worked. Students were coming into the hospital with bruises and headaches all day."

"Yeah. You should have seen everyone in here trying to get out. Ross Epworth nearly broke his toes kicking at the door." They laughed and discussed the various victims of their prank until the other boys came traipsing in, registering only mild surprise at finding Remus back among their company.

It happened the next month as well. Remus had been getting the group hyped for the Hogwarts Halloween Costume Contest, but on the day they had set aside to plan costumes, he was absent. He reappeared two days later, this time with his arm in a sling.

Branwen eyed him suspiciously, her arms crossed. "Fall down another set of stairs, did we?"

He could only shrug while avoiding her eye.

In November, he missed nearly a week of classes and, when questioned, mumbled something about his mother being ill. Branwen didn't believe him for a minute and she was ready to go to a higher authority.

When Herbology let out on the first frosty day of December, Branwen pulled Alice aside. "Take notes for me in Charms, will you? I'm going to be a little late."

Alice raised a brow, but when she received no explanation, she simply nodded and ran to catch up with the crowd of other first year Gryffindors.

Professor Sprout was using a sweeping spell on the greenhouse to gather up the potting soil the students had spilled when she spotted Branwen hovering by the door. "Don't you have a class to get to, Miss Potter?"

"Yes, but, Professor, may I ask a question please?"

"Of course, dear," the stout woman flicked her wand to shut the door against the cold, then smiled warmly.

"Well, you know a lot about illnesses, right?"

"Not as much as Madam Pomfrey, I'm afraid. If you are ill, I suggest finding her."

"No, no. It's not me, it's....a friend of mine."

"Well I'm afraid Madam Pomfrey is still the one to ask."

Branwen fidgeted with the bookmark sticking out of her Charms textbook. "I know, it's just've been really helpful to me, so I was hoping I could trust you. It's rather confidential, you see."

Sprout frowned. "Very well, dear. Let's come out with it then."

"I just wanted to know, well, is there a disease that would make you sick once a month? Every month?"

Sprout was clearly unsettled by the question and began sweeping soil again, this time by hand. "Well, you see, dear, as you become a young lady and your body changes, there will come a time...."

Branwen's brows rose in shock. "No, no, no. I mean, my mother told me all about that. Besides, this friend of mine is a boy."

"Oh. Well, then." Relieved, Sprout reflected on the question for a moment. "I can't really think of anything else, dear," she laughed, "unless your friend is a lycanthrope, of course."

"What's a lycanthrope, ma'am?"

"It's a werewolf, dear."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, Professor."

"I wish I could have been of more help."

"That's alright. Thank you."

Sprout resumed her cleaning as Branwen swept out into what had become a biting wind. Fat, wet flakes swirled around, peppering her hair and eyelashes. Her toes were almost instantly numb, but the closer she got to the castle, the slower her steps became.

A werewolf? It couldn't be. The image of the snarling figure on the cover of the Ministry pamphlet filled her mind. Her sweet friend who lent her his books and let Peter win at Gobstones couldn't possibly have anything in common with such a monster. But....

She hoped Alice would take really good notes. She wasn't going to Charms or any of her other classes today.

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