chapter 10
sydney screams, what is it ? sydney!!!!! everything went black. hello sydney. its you, what do you want from me! nothing i just came to tell you you down to 5 days, o good job with leaving the things for the poor. you may make it. sydney wake uo plz micheal, is that you. he cant hear you. why!!!!!!!! becuz im not done with you yet. what is it? well i want ........ tell me, wow, what an attatude u have. sorry but what is it that you dont want to tell me. your falther is coming you mean? yes, that mean man, he wants to take castity of you, no i dont want to be in his house with him. he will probbly make me a house maid, like he use to , im not goign to let that happe, well i guess its settled then. badump,babump, badump. sydney are u awake? what time is it. its 12:32pm youve been out for 41/2 hours. you scared me. im sorry. well as long as your here ill be fine. yah about that my father is coming he si really a torrable man. if he takes me away you probobly wont see me again, hell tarn me into one of his stupid maids to him im just a person to boss around. he drinks way to much ill be suprised if he dosint drive off ith side of the road on the way here. i dont watn ot leave u micheal. micheal covers sydney with a blanket. go back to sleep ill go to sleep to after i go get a drink off water. sydney leans toword the wall on the bed. im scared i dont want to leave this save place, micheal hears all of that sydney said. he wispers to himself i wont let anyone have you, micheal comes back and sydney is staring at the cilling with one hand in the air, aere you alright. yah im fine i was just haveing my mind go blank while i was staring at the cilling. micheal crawls next to her on the bed. well right now u need to sleep ok.....