Part 7

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Peter and I both jumped as a car broke through the wall, Stiles' jeep. Lydia jumped out of the jeep first followed by Stiles. Jackson stood in front of Lydia ready to hit her but he stopped. Lydia held out something for him. Jackson's body slowly began to shift back he stepped away from Lydia. Peter ran out and towards Jackson. I watched in horror as Peter and Derek used their claws to stab Jackson. I covered my mouth and fell to the ground. I stood up and made my way towards Scott, Stiles and Allison. We all watched as Lydia held Jackson in her arms. Stiles stepped towards Lydia first after she let go of Jackson. But he stopped and tried to see what they were all looking at. And than I saw, Jackson he was alive. He slowly stood up and roared Lydia hugged him. I sighed and looked towards Derek who was already looking towards me. I shook my head and walked out of the building. Derek tried to follow me but Peter stopped him. I made my way home as best as I could. When finally made it home and quickly opened the front door. Once I went inside I sighed and pulled my glasses up to rub my eyes. Within a second of me rubbing my eyes I was pushed harshly against the door. I opened my eyes and saw.... Him. My breath caught  in my throat and I found it hard to think clearly. He smirked at me his hands pressed hard against my shoulders. I shook my head "No-n-no...... you're not suppose to be here"
His smirked dropped and his face became angry, "Oh honey, I thought you would be happy to see him." Before I could speak again his hands wrapped around my neck. My hands grabbed his "Please..... please" I tried to shake my head but his hands tightened. I could feel it getting harder and harder to breath. "It was hard to find you. But I did, a few of your friends. If that's who they were, found out from your mother where you were moving too." He looked away from me and continued to speak, "I told you, you couldn't hide from me." He grabbed my neck tighter and threw me to the ground. I coughed and lightly touched my neck. Before I could get a good breath in he kicked my side. I whimpered in pain and closed my eyes. He kicked me again causing me to land on my back. He dropped down and sat down on my hips, pinning me to the floor. He threw a punch to my face, I could feel the sting on my right eye and upper cheek. I could feel tears running down my cheeks, something he didn't like. Crying. I could feel him getting angrier by the second "What have I taught you about crying? That's enough!" His hands moved towards my pants. In one swift move he pulled my pants and underwear down. I started to squirm under his touch.
I wanted to hit him, to try to free myself before I let him do this to me again. But I knew if I tried any of that, it would be much worse than what he was planning on doing now. I closed my eyes and let the tears run down my face. I could hear him unzipping his jeans and than it happened. He raped me. Again. I had lost count on how many times this had happened. How I had made him angry and this was my punishment. It was over within minutes and I waited for what came after. A swift couple of punches to the stomach came and I knew the worst part was over. I opened my eyes as he was getting off of me and pulling his jeans up. I held my stomach and turned to my side curling up into a ball. He laughed at me "I'm so happy I'm back with you. And the most exciting part," he bent down next to me and grabbed my face "We'll be going to the same school." He left without saying another word. I laid on the floor feeling empty. I stayed there for hours, I slowly got up off the floor pulling my pants up. I could feel the soreness all over my body. I found myself slowly walking up the stairs. I made my way towards the bathroom and started the water. I carefully pulled off my sweater and leggings and stepped into the shower. I screamed banging my fist against the wall.
I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. My fingers grabbed my necklace and I held onto it tight. I let the water wash over me, I noticed blood going down the drain and that's when I noticed my stomach was bleeding. He had kicked and punched my wound. I got up slowly watching as blood poured out of my freshly reopened wound. I opened the curtain and stepped out. I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker from the blood loss. I collapsed on the floor, the room feeling cold. My hands found my wound and I tried to stop the bleeding. I looked down and saw blood covering my hands. I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes, my body no longer strong enough to keep my eyes open. The last thing I felt was a tear running down my cheek.
I opened my eyes and found myself in a forest. Different from the one I go to when sleep walking. I looked down at my body and saw myself fully clothed. I didn't feel the pain from my stomach and when I lifted my shirt up there was no wound or bruises. I looked at my arms and legs, no bruises or scars. My skin was clear like nothing has never happened to me before. I got up slowly and looked around me. The forest was a bright beautiful green, flowers of all colors surrounded me. The trees in full bloom. I could hear birds and I could see small animals running around. It felt peaceful and happy. I started to walk around. I soon came up to a sparkling lake. Suddenly an eerie sound came from behind me. I turned quickly and the forest became dark and scary. A growl sounded from beside me and I turned feeling something grab my leg and knocking my to the ground. I screamed as the world went black.
"Clara! Clara!" I opened my eyes just barely enough to see I was still in my bathroom. The pain coming back. My body was still weak, I closed my eyes. I heard the bathroom door swing open, I heard it bang against the wall. I felt something draped over me and arms grabbed me and I was pulled into someone's lap. I wanted to scream and escape the persons grasp but I was too tired. A hand caressed my bruises cheek and I opened my eyes and saw Derek. Of course it was him. I watched as his hands moved down towards my stomach. The blood had seeped through the towel he had draped over me.
"Please don't take my to the hospital, he'll find me there." I closed my eyes and I started to cry softly.
"Who will find you? Clara, I need you to tell me."
I shook my head and repeated "Please, he'll find me." I didn't hear what he said next but I could feel him pull me closer to him. He slowly lifted me off the ground and I felt him walking somewhere. The last thing I felt was something warmer wrapped around me, a blanket.
I groaned and covered my eyes, feeling the warm sun on my face. I sat up slowly and looked around. I was laying in a big bed and wearing a big tee and a pair of sweatpants. I sat up more and pulled the sheets off of me. I lifted my shirt up and saw my wound was covered and not bleeding. I looked around the room more. It was big and industrial looking. More of a warehouse feeling than anything. I looked to my right and saw a wall filled with windows. I looked infront of the bed and noticed a couch. Derek was sitting there reading a book. He must have heard me moving. He closed his book and placed it on the coffee table infront of him. He didn't look at me but he still walked towards me. He stopped just short of the side of the bed, "I didn't take you to the hospital like you asked." He looked at me "You're glad Scott's boss knows how to stitch up a wound and especially knows how to make one stop bleeding." He walked back over to the coffee table and grabbed a bottle of water and a bottle of pills. He walked back over to me and handed the water to me. He opened the bottle and dropped two pills into his hand before closing the bottle and putting it in his pocket. He handed them to me "You're also glad Scott's mom is a nurse and let Scott get these for you." I hesitated and just looked down at the pills in my hand.
"Pain medicine, just take them. You took these when you first got out of the hospital. Scott just picked your refill bottle. Nothing illegal in there." I took them. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me "What happened?" I shook my head and pulled the comforter up to cover my whole body. Derek sighed "I came to your house to talk to you. When I approached your front door all I could smell was blood. Your front door was wide open. I ran in and followed the smell. When I came to the bathroom you were laying there bleeding. I wanna know how your wound reopened.... again."
I rubbed the sides of my head, a migraine forming. "I don't know. I don't know what happened." That was partial true. Derek sighed "Fine than for you to remember I'm taking you back to your house. Now come on." He grabbed my hand and tighten his grip before I could take my hand back. He reached down and pulled the covers back and forced me to stand. He wasn't harsh though he was gently.
I jumped out of the bed and suddenly I was in my room. I searched my body and lifted up my shirt. My wound wasn't bleeding and no new bruises were on me. I looked around and shook my head. A dream, it had to be a dream. But why did I dream about a place I've never been before and why did I dream about Derek. Derek who killed Jackson, who killed his own uncle. I shook my head once more before heading to my bathroom. I opened the cabinet and pulled out my pills. Three of them. Three pills that I have to remember to take daily. Two in the morning and one at night. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and read the time 10:25, five minutes until I waited too long to take them. I put the other two pill bottles up and opened the one. I dropped one pill into my hand and turned on the water filling up a cup. I took the sleep pill quickly and than put the bottle away. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, making myself a cup of hot tea. I walked back through the living room but stopped when my eyes fell onto the coffee table. All of my schoolwork, late schoolwork. I sighed and sat down on the couch. School year was almost over but teachers had allowed for me to finish the work I had missed if I took summer school. I scratched me head and grabbed a paper ready to do some work before I fell asleep

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