
924 19 2

"Ok Meredith, can you walk to the end of the hall?"
"I think."

It had been two weeks since Ellis went home. With having all three kids, Derek stayed home most of the time. He would bring the kids to daycare and leave Ellis with Mer some days, but he never got to see her a lot. From work to a newborn to 2 toddlers. He was busy.

Today, Meredith might get to go home. It all depends on if she can walk fine. No help. No falling. No pain.
"Don't push yourself. If you feel tired or hurting. Then stop and we can work on it later." Bailey said.

Meredith made it about 21/3 of the way before collapsing.
"Crap." Meredith mumbled.
"It's ok Grey. Get in bed. I'll go talk to The chief."

Meredith did just that. She was devastated and embarrassed. Then Derek walked in with Ellis.
"Hi baby!"
"She has been crying all night long."

Derek looked exhausted.
"Babies do that to you." Bailey said walking back in.
"Since you were able to walk that far, you can go home."
"Yes, but you have to be careful. For the next week or so, no running with your kids."

Derek helped Meredith pack her things to go home. Other than the field outside the hospital, Meredith hasn't come of of the place for a good 4 to five months.

Meredith and Derek were on the way home. Callie was watching Zola and Bailey. Derek only had Ellis.
"I love you."

He expected her to say she was scared or worried, but all he could do was think of how lucky he was.
"I love you too Mer."

They drive home to see an empty house.
"I'm gonna go get changed Derek."
"Ok. I'll be here if you need me."

Meredith stood in front of the mirror.
14 scars on her abdomen. 2 scars on her throat.
Seeing all of this made her sick. She ran to the bathroom and threw up.

She quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.
"Momma!" Bailey screamed running to Mer.
"Ok. Ok. Careful on mommy."
"Yes Zozo?"
"Why do we have to be careful?"
"Mommy got hurt."
"What happened?"
"Why don't we talk about that later, ok?"

The rest of the night, the family sat and talked and watched movies.
Meredith sat there. She finally got her picture perfect family. She never thought it could happen. She never thought she would even get married.

Even though they had to go through way more than they should have to get there, they still did, and she was thankful for that.

To be continued......

I have a few ideas for this series to continue. Let me know if you want them. If not then I can add one or two more to this and end it. Thank you guys so much for the support. Muah.

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