Chapter Three.

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Zoe's Point Of View~

its 6:30 in the morning and we have just been told that we have the day off I went back to sleep to feel a Pair of muscly arms around my waist turned around and saw Jake laying there fast asleep he hasn't done this since we where kids, I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep an hour later I could hear foot steps going across the Landin into the room opposite Megan's not good at keeping quiet while sneaking out,

I knew she snuck into Only the Youngs bedroom as there's is opposite

I'm still tangled in Jakes arms

It's 12:00pm

And everyone's downstairs eating lunch me and Jake haven't spoke since our little cuddle last night So I walk over to him as he's talking to Barclay

"Hey Jake can I talk to you alone for a minute" I asked
"Sure he's all yours" Barclay said hurrying off to get food
" so what do you wanna talk about" Jake asks
"I wanted to ask about last night" I replied
"Oh sorry I should have asked" Jake replied quickly
"No it's fine I want to know why" I replied
"I just missed your cuddles that's why"Jake replies smiling
"Aww come here" I reply before pulling Jake into a hug

My phone vibrates during my hug with Jake we finished hugging

"Are we cool now" he asks
"Yes we are and don't worry about asking for cuddles in bed"I reply

He walks off smiling to find Barclay

I look at my phone and the text is from Dan if I wanna hang out with him, I leave the house and make my way to the studio

Me and Dan have been together for nearly a year now I walk into the studio to see him with his arms wrapped around another girl I turned around and ran straight back to the house and ran to my room and cried

Just then there was a knock on my door
"Come in" I answered
Jake came in my room followed by Mikey and they shut the door behind them

"Oh my god, sis what happened" Mikey asks
" tell us what happened sweet"Jake asks sweetly
"Dan Cheated on me" I reply crying
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry well least you don't have to worry about your career anymore" Jake Replies
"Aww sis right your not allowed any contact with guys" Mikey says angrily
"What do you want me to do stay in my room"I reply

" Jake keep an eye on her" Mikey says calmly
"Of course I will" Jake replies smiling
He leans in and kisses me on the head we lead back on the bed and I cried into his shoulder

Charlie's Point of view-

I have liked Megan since I first met her but I haven't had the guts to tell her

"Megan can I talk to you for a second" I ask
"Sure" she replies walking towards me
"I have liked you since the moment I met you will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked
"Oh my god, Charlie yes I will be your girlfriend" she replied
I'm really surprised she accepted I ran down the stairs Into the lounge and told everyone that I'm with Megan

Jake's Point of View-

Can't believe that idiot of an ex she has poor thing she's been stuck in the room or two days I go in there and cuddle her and watch movies she came downstairs to watch movies with the rest of us Charlie's cuddled up to Megan and Zoe's cuddled on my lap as she apparently feels safer with me I want to make her feel safe because of what happened two days ago. I would ask her out but I'm wait until this has blown over poor thing I kiss her head and run my fingers through her hair her brother just glares at my but he knows I'm the one for her

* The Next Day*

Zoe's point of view

Today is our third day off so me Megan and the stereo kicks lads are practicing together I'm back to my normal self me and Megan have became really close friends since our time in the X factor house

We where practice when Ben stuck his head in

"Hey guys and Zo are you ok" he asks
"Hey ben and yeah I'm fine now" I reply
"Good cause me and Jake where worried"he said
"Aww where is Mr Quickenden"I asked
"I'm here" Jake said peeping his head through the door
"Thank you guys for caring love you" I reply
"Your welcome we love you too" both of them reply

We go back to practicing

Jake's Point of view-

"Zoe, can I talk to you for a second" he asked
"Sure"she replys
"I know this is an inappropriate time but would you be my girlfriend" he asked
"I would love too" she replys

Zoe's Point of View-
We continue practicing until we got our songs perfect

Soon is where our adventures will begin

We all went to bed I cuddled with Jake again and Megan snuck out to cuddle Charlie.

Megan's Point of View-

I knocked on Only The Young's door and Charlie answered.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to be with you.." I responded.
Charlie smiled, "Come in then. Everyone else is asleep."
I nodded, "Okay."
"Don't ask to come in though, just come in."
I nodded again, "Okay."
He walked over to his bed and I followed him, getting in afterwards. He turned to face me and smiled, so I smiled back.
"So what made you come here?" He asked.
"I told you, plus Jake and Zoe were cuddling, and I was a loner with no cuddle buddy." I responded.
"Aw... well you have your cuddle buddy now." He smiled again, wrapping his legs around mine and putting his arms around my waist, "and that's me."
I smiled too and fell asleep, when I woke up we were in the same position as we were last night.

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