Chapter Two.

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Zoe's Point Of View-

Me, Mikey, Charlie, Betsy and Parisa were in the Limo on our way to the X Factor house, when we arrived at the House we get out the limo and the look on our faces was a picture, luckily I bought my Selfie Stick, we stand outside the house and I attach my selfie stick to my phone and pull All of the contestants in for a photo Megan stood next to Charlie and I'm stood between Mikey and Parisa I went on Twitter and uploaded the photo @Zoe_Bromley We have Finally made it to the X factor house

My Brother is so impatient as he wanted to the the first to enter the house and there was a golden envelope on the floor I leaned down and opened it

Welcome contestants to the X Factor House your Room Mates are as follows

Zoe + Megan + Stereo Kicks
Only The Young + Ben Haenow + Jake Quickenden
Jack Walton + Lauren + Lola Saunders
Andrea Faistini + Jay James + Paul Akister.

Megan's Point of View-

I read the envelope with Zoe and saw that I was sharing a room with her and Stereo Kicks.
"Who am I sharing a room with?" I heard Charlie ask from behind me.
I turned and looked at him, "Ben Haenow and Jake Quickendon. Also Betsy, Parisa and Mikey."
"Of course." He responded.
"Well.. I better go and pack now.." I said, turning around.
"Same. I'll walk up with you." He responded.
I nodded and went up the stairs. Charlie's room was opposite mine, so I could easily go to him anyway. I went into my room and got everything out, I piled my clothes on the bed before actually putting them into the wardrobes that we have each. Then I got my makeup and put that next to my clothes, that's the important stuff I need so I just left it as that for now. I got my phone out of my bag and went downstairs, into the Lounge room, where everyone was getting to know each other. I thought it was a good time to socialize so I went over to a few people and introduced myself, the only thing we really had in common is that we both loved to sing. I suddenly got bored so I plopped myself on the couch, making myself sit on Charlie, which made him whelp.
"Oh... fu-, sorry." I apologized, suddenly getting up.
"It's okay.. you just.. you're just a bit heavy. You put on full force." He responded.
"Sure?" I asked.
"Sure." He responded.
I smiled and sat on him again.

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