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Harley POV
I just love how my mom thinks she can just show up to my apartment unannounced.

"Hey mother, what made you come all the way downtown"i ask my mom
"Umm i have to have an explanation to come see my baby"she say back to me, With her eyebrows furrowed
"Oh no ma'am of course not, but i am about to have company in about an hour". I say
"Umm okay I'll just come back tomorrow, we have something's to discuss". She says, then she gets up and we hug each other.
We say our i love yous and she is gone just like that, leaving me standing there kind of speechless.

1 hour Later
I'm sitting in front of the TV watching Vampire Diaries For the fifty millionth time.
*buzzz* Buzzz
I look down at my phone and see my little boo thang calling..
Phone conversation-
Me: Hey babyyy
Her:Damnn what took you soo long to answer the fucking phone!!
She exclaims through the phone speaker..
Me- first of all I'm watching vampire—
Her- I don't give a f*ck what your doing, you should answer on the first fucking ring..
Me-Umm Okay, see my mom didn't raise no sucker sooo have a nice life suckerrrr!!
I took the phone from my ear and hung up.
"Open this door b*tch" i heard her scream at my door
I got up from my couch ran into my bedroom putting on my sneakers. I brushed my hair into a ponytail, cause i don't know who this female think she is.

I swing my door open stepping back..

"Wassup baby, you think you finna leave me"she say walking in my house taking steps towards me..
I am just looking at her waiting on her to hit me, cause I'm going to knock her ass out.

"Ohhh so now you can't talk, had all that mouth on the phone" she say yelling all in my face

Before i can open my mouth, i felt her fist hit my jaw.
I see my blood hit the floor..
I spit the blood out and run up on this b*tch.

I high kick her ass making her her bite her tongue with a little bit of blood spilling from her mouth.
"Yea, h*e you then fucked up now" i yell at her, I feel all of the anger and shit.
I have took from this female in this last year but not this year.

She wipes the blood from her mouth getting up and getting in her fighting stance.

Ohhhh so this motherf*cker want some more.
I grab my phone dialing the cops and put it on speaker yelling out my address.
"Y'all need to get here pops, cause I'm using self defense". I yell to my dad
"You think daddy finna come save you, you'll be dead before he gets here".

Next thing you know i hear my dad in my ear..
"Ayee H, let her goo it's over. I'm here!" He say
I feel tears fall my down my face cause i gave this female everything . I was by her side, when she didn't have sh*t. Now she wants to act all big and bad like she was finna to do me how she did me last year.
Let's go down memory lane real quick..
When we first got together, we were so in love with each other.
Michelle told me she loved me first, she made the first move.
I loved her for her even though she told me that she goes to see a therapist for her anger issues and putting her hands on her ex.
I still like a dumb ass became her girlfriend.

As time went on she started to show her true colors, it's like i was dealing with two different people in one person's body.

She got her first car and when she got it. She took me out on dates and we went traveling and everything was fine.

Until my Bestfriend wanted to take me on vacation with her. This girl literally tried to hold me hostage and she saw i wasn't going for all the bs she was telling me.

She tried to physically tie me up in her room. I stood my own of course and told my Bestfriend about that shit.

My Bestfriend broke her door down and whooped her ass.
Matter of fact we jumped her and she apologized for two months straight until me being Me let her ass back in.

Then let's not forget how she tried to be sneaky behind my back with her little so called friend.
Yuppieee it's been time for me to let that ass gooooo!!!..

"Just keep breathing babygirl"my dad says
I try to keep my breathing steady and i reach up wrapping my arms around my dad.
"I been told you to let that child go, you too smart and too pretty to be going back to that girl" he say
"I know dad, I'm sorry" i say as tears roll down my face..

I Felt Generous To Go Ahead And pop out with Chapter One💋.
What do y'all think going to happen next??..

The Girl Series #1Where stories live. Discover now