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Walking to the Holy Matron stood to be a monstrous task.

When I first step foot into the road, a swarm of people pass by with chattering children.

The women wore embellished gowns, while a handful of women, including the men, wore their best shirts and trousers.

In their hands, they held the symbol of Lady Irene or have jewellery strung around their necks. The sight of these people is much more common than one would have expected.

When I made it to the entrance of the tavern, the atmosphere has grown sombre.

Fewer people sat by themselves, and people only at the bar spoke to one another.

As I scan the room, I spot Vylad jammed back in a booth, his face resting in his hands.

"Vylad," I greet him as I sit across from him.

He doesn't even bother to glance up, "What?"

"Sorry for making you wait," I say to him.

Vylad replies, "It's fine." Then he raises his hand to flag down a portly woman. "Two meals and drinks."

Her curly hair bobs as she speaks, "Of course, what would you like to drink?" She first waits for me, watching with her golden eyes.

"Water for me," I pipe up.

"Same for me," Vylad quickly answers.

Gesturing behind her, she points to a board, "Tell Uddi what you want to eat."

"Thank you," Vylad and I both respond.

She concludes with, "Just let anyone of us if you need anything."

I stretch to view the board, "What are you hungry for? Looks like they have cook's choice,"

In my line of sight, a considerably taller figure walks up to the counter and leans against the bar. So leaning further to the left, I find myself barely still sitting.

"Struggling there?" Vylad inquires.

"Yes, I am," I admit to him.

He drily declares, "There is also a strange stew with fish, or finally, a local delicacy called Glazed Wrath."

"Glazed Wrath, that sounds good to me," I comment.

"I'll go order," Vylad states.

I watch from the booth as Vylad saunters up to find Uddi, and when he does, he removes his scarf to speak.

The man with scarred hands points to the board, nods and sends Vylad back to where we are seated.

"What did you get?" I ask Vylad.

"Cook's choice, and some dessert." His tone lightens at the mention of the latter.


"Of course, but Shay we must discuss more private matters later."

My heart sinks, "Right, I know a few places that we can talk at."

Stiffly he reaches across the table, "I have some ideas that you'd like to hear."

"Thanks, brother." I numbly take his hand in mine and gently squeeze. "I'm grateful that you are here."

"I am most often willing to help you."

For a short while, we fall into companionable silence as we wait for our meals.

When the name 'Oliver' is called, Vylad is pointed to by one of the barmaids.

"Here is yer food, lovelies." She says with a honeyed voice.

A tangy, scent fills my lungs when the food is set before us.

My mouth instantly waters when I view the Glazed Wrath, "Careful with that one, it's almost as hot as a devil's pepper."

"Got it." I reach for a fork and begin to eat.

Vylad pokes at his mixture of bread with a white sauce and meat to the side. "What is this?"

I shrug, "Not sure, but this is good." My eyes water when I continue to eat more of the chicken.

He sighs, "Slow down before you vomit."

"Fine, Oliver."

Henceforward, we continued our meal in silence.

BOOK FOUR: Dawn Chronicles: Eternity: MineCraft Diaries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now