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My brother and I walked hand in hand through of ​​peoples passing by in the morning, with thick clothes like sweter and gloves that I wore because this morning was very cold. Maybe the imminent winter factor.

With a basket of white lilies mixed with tulip flowers and rose petals held in my hand, entered an area less traveled by people.

"Good morning. Who do you want to visit?"

A man around 50-60 years old approached me and Yuto with a broom stick in his thin hand, "hi sir, we want to visit our parents" said.Yuto first before I wanted to make a sound but it didn't work because Yuto answered first.

"Ahh, please come in. Excuse me" The man immediately walked a little away from the two of us and brushed the orange leaves.

"Come on, this way" Yuto held my left hand and led me inside.

This place is the final resting place, aka a burial area, there are no people who come to simply visit their dead relatives.

Yuto stopped walking and his gaze fixed on the two gravestones in front of him, the cross board stuck on the ground with a mound of earth behind him.

"mom... dad..."

I let go of Yuto's hand who was still holding my hand, I walked closer to the two gravestones in front of me.

I sat beside the headstone and my eyes catch the name written on the cross.

Yusho Raymond Sakaki
Born: December 12, 1978
Died: 24 March 2015

This time I looked at the cross board beside papa's grave and stroked the ground.

Ryoko Jasmine Reese
Born: February 23, 1977
Died: 24 March 2015

"I'm sorry Yuya"

Yuto hugged me from behind, I cried because this was the first time I could visit mom and dad. "Yuto ... It's not your's fault"

Yuto was also crying, my thumb rubbed his cheek gently wiping his tears. I also wiped my tears which were still flowing roughly, "Yuto, help me to clean up the graves of mama and papa, oki?"

Yuto nodded his head and helped me clean up mama and papa's graves by pulling out weeds, when I finished I put flowers in the vortex of mama and papa's graves and sprinkled petals after rose petals on the mound of ground.

"Mama ... Papa .... I miss you both" I rubbed the cross boards of mama and papa.

"What are you two doing? Sorry if Yuya and Oni-chan just visited Mommy and Daddy. Mama and Dad are oki up there, right?"

I don't know how long I feel at home sitting on the hard ground and talking as if I were talking to mom and dad, while Yuto just stared at the graves of our parents and stroked the cross board stuck in the ground. Many orange, yellow, and red leaves fell on the grave ground to litter the burial ground.

"Mama, papa, Yuya and Oni-chan wanna to say goodbye. We're both going to visit mom and dad again. Goodbye mommy, daddy"

I kissed mama and papa's gravestone before finally Yuto took my left hand and took me out of papa with mama.

"Where are you going after this?" Yuto asked when Yuto and I came out of the burial area.

I looked at Yuto's gray eyes, "I'm also confused, but how about we go to the temple?"

Yuto's eyebrow raised one side, "shrine? Hmm, alright. Let's go"

It only took about thirty minutes to reach the nearest shrine, I leaned my back on the pillar of the shrine due to exhaustion. This temple has stairs so high that my legs feel so limp.

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