The Transfer Student

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The blaring alarm clocked rang through the house as a hand smacked down on it, shutting it off. She yawned and climbed out of bed ready for her first day of her last year in highschool. So far her highschool life has been uneventful, no drama, no boyfriends, and thankfully no bullying. She was rather popular with the people in her year and she got along with everyone.

Everyone besides her sister. Her sister was bascially the exact opposite of her. While she loved going to school and meeting her friends, her sister would rather stay home and study from her desk instead of going to a crowded school.

"C'mon Alex we're going to be late." Kara shouted as Alex jogged down the stairs swinging her backpack over her shoulder

"Have a good day girls." Eliza waved

"Bye mom." Kara waved happily conviniently the bus stopped right in front of their house which saved them a lot of hassle.

"Hey Kara." Her best friend waved with a smile

"Hi Cait." Kara replied wearing her own large smile

"Hey is that the new kid?" Kara heard her other friend whispered

"Shut up Cisco, he's not an animal." Caitlin scolded. Caitlin and Cisco had a certain dynamic where whenever he said something she would scold him and everyone found this hysterical.

The new student sat by himself on a seat with his bag next to him preventing anyone from sitting next to him.

"He looks so depressing." Alex said as Kara gave her a stern look

"It's his first day at a new school, be nice." Kara said slapping her sister's arm.

"Just saying, he's going to make you sad if you hang around him too much." Alex pointed out

"Not possible." Cisco chimed it, "Kara being sad at school is like time travel, never going to happen in one million years." He added

While her friends were chatting and laughing Kara's eyes were drawn to the new student. He was fairly built and something about him felt off to her. He turned his head slightly and their eyes met. Unlike she had previosuly thought he had deep forest green eyes and messy brown hair.

He turned back to face the front leaving Kara wondering if there was more to him.

As everyone was funneling off the bus Kara scanned the students to see the new boy but she couldn't it's like he disappeared. After a while she gave up and went to homeroom to get her name marked off. 

As she put her bag next to her chair and sat down she opened her book and was instantly consumed within the story in her hands.

She was so distracted she didn't even notice someone pull out a chair next to her and sit at the desk.

"Morning guys." Ms Peters smiled, "Today we have a new student joining us, well i see he's already found a spot." She chuckled, "Do you want to introduce yourself?" She asked as he stood up

"Hi my name is Barry Allen." He said unenthusiastically as Kara peeled her eyes away from her book to look up at him. He noticed her look and looked back at her.

And there it was again, that bad feeling. He averted his gaze and sat back in his chair waiting for homeroom to end.

After homeroom was Kara's favourite period, history. Kara loved history and was one of the only reasons why she came to school. She went to sit in her usual spot and wait for everyone else to arrive but when she entered the classroom she saw Barry was already seated.

"That's my usual spot." Kara pointed out as Barry eyes met hers once again. His cold stare sent shivers down her spine.

"Sorry." He said as he picked his bag up and sat at the other side of the classroom.

During their class Kara had her head in her notepad taking notes as she always did, but her eyes hovered over to Barry who has his head on the table not paying attention. She was annoyed seeing someone so lazy and uninterested.

"That's the bell guys, please review the textbook chapters for tonights homework." Mrs Collin said as everyone slowly left her class. 


"Ugh, he pisses me off so much." Kara groaned

"Oh my god.....Kara just swore." Cisco said dramatically

"Shut up." She sighed

"How can you hate him, you literally just met him." Alex pointed out

"I know, but he doesn't even pay attention in class nor did he acknowledge me." She huffed.

"He's a real mystery." Caitlin said taking a bite of her apple

"You have to remember Kara, not everyone is as happy as you are to be at school." Alex said

"I need the restroom." Kara said standing up and leaving the cafeteria. As she was roaming the halls of her school she saw Barry sitting outside on a staircase by himself writing in a notebook.

Curiousity over took her leading her to walk out to the stairs and sit next to him.

"What'cha doing out here by yourself?" Kara asked only to get no response as if she wasn't even there.

"Kara." Barry said as Kara smiled knowing that he knew her name, "You're annoying." He said before standing up and leaving her alone on the stairs.


"Kara if you keep whining he might actually hear you." Alex groaned

"He called me annoying!!" Kara exclaimed hugging her pillow tightly

"Maybe you're so annoyed is because you know deep's true." Alex teased

"I was not." Kara pouted

"He was reading to himself then you just had to interupt him, face it Kara, he doesn't like you." Alex said putting her book down and switching off her lamp, "Now shoo, i wanna go to sleep." She said as Kara left the room and plopped onto her bed.

"How can he find me annoying?" She mumbled to herself.

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