Wishful Thinking

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"Merry Christmas." Kara smiled happily as the clock struck twelve o'clock

"I already told you my family doesn't celebrate Christmas." Barry said making Kara frown, "But......today i guess i can make an exception." He added making her smile wider then before.

"Well in the Danvers household we have a tradition." Eliza smiled feeling the vibe between the two, "Every year we write down our wishes for the new year and set them on the tree." She smiled handing two pieces of paper to Kara and Barry.

"Hey mom." Alex said walking into the living room and taking a piece of paper.

Unlike her sister Alex wasn't blinded by the fact that she wanted everyone to like her. Alex didn't have many friends and preferred to be by herself. When she met eyes with Barry she instantly felt something wrong in her gut, her gut was telling her that Barry........was dangerous.

"What are you writing?" Kara asked as Barry sighed

"Telling you would defeat the purpose." Barry pointed out

A few minutes passed by of Kara, Alex and Barry trying to think og what to write until it was interupted with several loud knocks on the door.

Instinctively Kara hid behind Barry out of fear and he reached and pulled out his knife.

"Stay here." Barry said as he walked towards the front door with his knife in hand.

Barry flung the door open and swung his knife right at the person's throat, he braced himself for the blood splatter until he heard someone clear their throat and someone holding his hand.

"Thank you for the warm welcome." Tahlia smiled clutching his hand in hers

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Trying to find our missing brother, we had feared you got caught in the storm." Nyssa added

"You're here too?" He asked with a raised eye brow

"Don't sound too excited." Nyssa teased

"W-Who are they?" He heard a whimpering voice ask behind him

"Kara, these are my two older sisters, Nyssa and Tahlia." He said pointing to them. They both gave her a small wave as the fierce winds kicked up even more.

"Please come inside." Eliza said as Nyssa took her hood off and came inside.

"Very.....festive." Nyssa lemented seeing all the Christmas decorations around the hosue

"Wait, did you go through the snowstorm just to find Barry?" Kara asked as Tahlia replied with a nod

"I wish i had a sister like that." Kara muttered to herself.

"How did you know i was here?" Barry asked

"That's a secret." Nyssa replied.

It might of slipped their minds by now but not hers. Alex saw the way Barry carried himself in a situation where he should of been scared. The way he swung his knife with intent to kill. Now she knows for sure that Barry......isn't who he says he is, neither is are his sisters.

"Kara." Alex whispered as she dragged her sister away from Nyssa and Tahlia who were having a friendly conversation with Eliza.


"Did you see that?" Alex asked as Kara shrugged her shoulders

"The way Barry swung his knife, what if that wasn't his sister and was a robber instead....Barry would of killed them instantly. That isn't something a normal highschooler should be able to do." Alex whispered yelled as she began panic pacing

"You're right Alex, Barry could be a killer for all i know." Kara said, "So how about we make another bet?" She asked

"No, Kara this is serious." Alex said frustrated at her sister's stuborness.

"If Barry ever purposefully physcially hurts me or you in anyway, then i will do what you say and never see him ever again." Kara said sticking out her hand

"That's a big claim." Alex said

"I believe in him." She smiled. Alex contemplated before shaking Kara's hand.

"Fine." She sighed.

They walked back into the living room and saw Nyssa and Tahlia scribbling something onto a piece of paper.

They walked over and both hung up their pieces of paper on the tree.

"Merry first Christmas sister." Tahlia said 

"And probably last." Nyssa said pointing over to Barry as he mulled over what to write.

By now the storm had finally calmed down and was now a gentle breeze. 

"We should get going before father gets home." Nyssa said as Barry stood up with a piece of paper

"S-See you at school Barry." Kara said disappointed that they didn't stay longer

"Yeah.....bye Kara." He said handing her his paper.

As Nyssa, Tahlia and Barry left Kara flipped over the paper and saw that it read.

'Live a normal life'

(A/N: Yeah i know more filler, but action will come soon, don't worry :)

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