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5:50 p.m. London

As the end of the school year quickly approached, students went into study mode. Final projects being handed out, coffee being brewed for those late, late study nights.

George wasn't worried. In fact he was ready to pass these classes and have them over with. Although he was a little worried for Dream.

The other seemed stressed.


In all honesty too, they haven't been as intimate either. Which of course caused some frustration between them.

Dream didn't mean it, he actually didn't even realize what was wrong. Of course he knew he and George hadn't got heated recently. But with these stupid finals, he could hardly focus on one subject.

This late afternoon, Dream stayed at the dorms and tried to catch up on some of his classes.

If he hadn't been so focused on George this whole year maybe he wouldn't have to do this.

But honestly, who wouldn't devote their lives to George. No one, exactly.

George had gone out to the shops for a few things after their shortened schedule. He hoped some of the things would make Dream laugh for once.

The lock on the door struggled as George tried to shove the door open.

Once open, he seen the other in the same spot he's been in for the last five weeks. His posture slowly getting worse as the days passed.

"Dream." George sang as he tossed his keys on the counter. Kicking his shoes off by the door.

He hardly blinked as he was hyper focused on the study material.

An audible sigh left George as he set his bags down. What he would do for Dream to pay some mind to him right now.

What could get his attention off from studying. Maybe just for a minute or two..

"Dream look, I'm eating your leftovers." George joked as he waited for a response.


"I'm making out with your mum."


Not a sign of life from Dream, as he stared blankly at the papers and laptop in front of him on the desk.

"Fine, I'm naked and horny." George smiled as he crossed his arms.

Hope rising as he seen Dream's shoulders move. Only to be disappointed as he heard him take a deep breath.

George frowned, a little more than upset by now. He approached Dream slowly from behind. Gently he placed a hand on the other.

"Maybe you should take a break.." he trailed off as he tried lifting the others shirt some.

Dream, still deadly silent just pushed the others hand away. Not breaking the staring contest he had with his laptop.

He huffed once Dream pushed his hand. Even though he was trying his best to be patient, it was getting out of hand.

"If you're so worried about passing why would you not care till now."

"Hm." Dream finally broke his silence.

"Whatever." George rolled his eyes as he walked away. Leaving Dream to his studying.

Taking a seat on the bed, George pulled his phone out. Honestly, he didn't know what to do. Maybe some advice would be helpful..

Coding His Heart // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now