Nueva Portada!!!

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《 ENG | ESP 》

Finally, a decent cover for the artbook.

It doesn't look that good but yeah, it's better than the old one.

Por fin, una portada decente para el artbook.

Se ve horrible a decir verdad, pero meh, al menos es mejor que la anterior.

So here It is.

Well, that's all I have for now

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Well, that's all I have for now.

It may- no, It HAS tons of errors as always.

Y bueno, eso es todo por el momento.

Probablemente tiene un mogollón de errores... seeh, como siempre.


PD: As I uploaded the image I noticed that he doesn't have a tail ._. whoops

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