26. The Little Talks

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An- this is short but the next chap will be longer

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An- this is short but the next chap will be longer.


School went on as usual. Venus and Tom becoming more distant than ever while cho grew closer to him. It was draining Venus for some reason. She looked like a walking ghost.

Pansy and Draco struggled to keep her diet and Hermione kept trying to talk to her.

Venus was walking around the school grounds near the black lake when she walked into Ginny. " oh hey Venus didn't see you there!" She exclaimed. Her surprised face slowly turned to one of concern when she saw Venus's condition. "Oh my you look..." "terrible yeah.." Venus completed for her.

Ginny forced her to sit with her. "You know, Hermione tells me how you barely talk to anyone anymore.." she glanced at Venus "im not gonna force but I want you to know im here for you if want to talk. I know im Gryffindor and you barely know me.... but i really look up to you."
Venus stared at Ginny for a few moments and then took a deep breath. "I.. i don't exactly know whats going on with me. I mean I should be happy. Cho doesn't trouble me anymore and I have my family close to me.." Ginny thought for a moment. "Maybe it's something else?"

Venus shrugged. They sat like that, staring into the horizon till dinner time. Venus decided she was with Tom's and Cho's bullshit. She was going to give them a piece of her mind.

𝑀𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑈𝑠 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑦 [T.M.R]Where stories live. Discover now