road trip

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May 29, 1996,

So today, we left for L.A. We've been driving for almost three hours and we're in San Jose. My dad says we'll be in Los Angeles tonight, maybe around five o'clock.

On another note, my brother Charlie has been really upset for the whole trip because he found out that the lead singer of his favourite band Sublime died the other day. My brother really likes ska punk and other stuff like that. He really likes Green Day as well, huge Green Day fan. I think they're okay, but I'm more into Joy Division and The Smiths and stuff like that.

But he's not nearly as bad as my sister Grace, she's absolutely obsessed with pop radio. I couldn't tell you any artist she listens too, they all sound exactly the same. But anyway, I just made this as a quick entry since I haven't written in a few days and thought this trip might be good to write about.

While I'm here, you were probably wondering about what I said about my now ex-girlfriend. Well her name was Josie, and we had chemistry together last semester. We started talking and hanging out with each other last September and we hit it off.

We started dating a few weeks later and it was great. But yeah last week she had some sort of an "epiphany" and decided that I wasn't good enough for her anymore and now she's dating the quarterback, Lance Green, so yeah that sucks I guess. My friends all think that she was probably screwing him behind my back but I guess I'll never know.

I gave her my uncle's number before we broke up so we could still talk so it would be good if she called me so she could at least provide me with some clarity, but that seems unlikely right now. I will miss her though, she was cool to hang out with and we did have a good time together, but i suppose she wanted more and I couldn't give that to her.

But anyway, I think we're going to stop and get some food soon, and we should be at my uncle's tonight and I'll be sure to write once we arrive in L.A. Sorry that this entry is so short, I just needed something to do while we're driving.

My brother is really getting on my nerves, so is my sister. My brother keeps looking for excuses to start an argument with me and I don't think my parents are too happy with him at the moment. My sister keeps jumping in the front of the car and switching the music whenever it's my turn to choose the music.

There's this new single that just came out by this group called the Spice Girls or something like that, I'll admit it's catchy, but it's annoying as hell. I tried to introduce my brother to some of the music that I listen to, such as The Smiths and The Beatles, but wasn't too interested.

Anyway, as I said before I'll write more when I get to my uncle's house. Until then I guess I'll just have to tolerate my family.

Til' we meet again,

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