Meeting and Loving you

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Meeting and Loving You

Our story wasn't really a romantic one, and in the beginning it was just me looking at you.

The first time I saw you I thought you were someone else, someone I knew once upon a time, and looking back I am so glad you were you but at the time I was so disappointed to see you. Romantic, right? It's the first time I see you, and I'm disappointed.

I didn't see you again for the next couple of months, and honestly I had forgotten all about you but then I saw you on my bus. You were reading a book on the bus, the sight of this was so rare now days, a teenager on a bus reading! Not on her phone or talking to her friends, but reading a book you had probably gotten from the library. You sat with your knees up and resting on the back of the seat in front of you and your head down. The sun from the window shined down on your copper hair making it gleam in the light. You bit your lip and your face was one of deep concentration, your hazel eyes moving back and forth reading the words on the page like they were your life line. I knew it was rude to stare but you intrigued me, and I just couldn't help myself.

Then you looked up and I was afraid that id been caught staring at you but instead you looked out the window and suddenly you weren't on a smelly school bus full of rude kids, and for once I could see the scene play out. You were on one of those Greyhound buses on your way to somewhere, anywhere! Your dreams alive and waiting for you just out that window, but then it was like reality crashed into you, and me, and you were thrown back into the smelly school bus. It turned into the most depressing thing I've witnessed in a long time. I wanted you to have your dream and be anywhere but here, but I also wanted something else and I couldn't figure what it was. What I didn't realize then was that I wanted to be with you and be part of that dream and to root for you by your side, but at the time I didn't understand what you would be to me, or else I would of chosen then to be the first time we would talk, but I didn't. Instead I let you walk off the bus and I had to wait another month before I saw you again.

But during that time I had learned a few things, like that your name is Alyssa but you let the people close to you call you Lyssa. And that you have exactly two friends and that they love you and were very protective when I asked about you. You told me later that they told you about this weird guy talking about you, and when you found out it was me you giggled, you never told me why you giggled or how you felt when you figured out it was me but at the time I didn't care because I thought it didn't really matter, I had you now and anything else was irrelevant, but now I wish I asked, but that was later after everything but before everything else.

A month later you walked into my English class, and at first I didn't notice but then you began to speak to the teacher and I heard your voice but I didn't realize it was you

"Michael! Mrs.Lucio needs to see you," my English teacher called out to me, that's when I looked up and I saw you, the funny thing was you wouldn't look at me, instead your converse became the center of your attention as if they were the only thing in this world that you cared about. I got out of my desk and followed you out of the classroom, at first the walk was silent but then I said something so stupid,

"Heard it was going to rain tomorrow? That's going to suck!"

You laughed and I smiled, if only I'd knew then how much you love the rain and you were laughing because of the awkwardness, yet I'm glad for your pity laugh. It gave me the courage to talk to you, and talk we did, well actually I talked and you gave me one worded responses when you did respond. I talked about the football game on Friday, too bad I didn't know you hated sports, especially football. I talked about the old man who had passed away recently, why? I don't really know. But I do know I wish you could have mentioned it was your grandfather that died and that after our conversation you would cry because I mentioned him and you were trying not to think of it.

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