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Name: Nalah Rue Rose
Age: 17
Birthday: July 20th
Hometown: Philadelphia
It was like a weight had been taken off my shoulders as I opened my locker one last time to get my things. I was tired of this school. Tired of the sleepless nights studying. And lastly, I was tired of this small town I called home. No one here looked like me, acted like me or even sounded like me. If I lived in the city it would be different, but I didn't. My traditional parents never wanted that life for me. Although Philly was only 10 miles away there was no way for me to get there. Over here no car meant no traveling. So here I am, stuck in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

          It's the last day of my senior year and I loved who I was becoming after the four years of trauma at Ardmore High. I felt more confident, but I know that I can't fully bloom until I escape this town. Here, I'm the Saudi/Ethiopian girl who used to wear a hijab but now embraced her curls. The pretty shy girl that was too weird to be popular. I had managed to make a few friends but none worth keeping when I left here. And I was definitely leaving here. Last month I got the news that I was accepted to my dream college at CALU. And I planned on making the most of it. I had already made up my mind that I was going to pursue my dream of becoming an actor. CALU had a summer A.C.T. program (Actor Core Training) and I was going to get in.

As a senior, my life was a bit easier. I sometimes made trips to the city alone by taking the bus. And of course I fell in love. The lights, the noise ... the mall. It all felt surreal to me. I was going again today after school. I planned on visiting Philly as much as I could before I left for the summer. Cause I know I'm gonna miss it. I slam my locker shut with a smile on my face as I walked toward the exit of Ardmore. It was a breath of fresh air. A new life about to begin. I quickly make it to the bus stop to see a few kids form my school. Seems like they all had the same idea. I knew that the city was gonna be alive today because it was basically the first day of summer. School was over, it was a sweltering 93 degrees and everything seemed brighter. I hop on the bus and plug my headphones in and tune the noise out.

      When I got off I made a beeline for the mall. My favorite part of the city. I had to renew my wardrobe for California. I head into Forever 21 and pick out a good amount of warm weather clothes. I check out and got to Victoria's Secret just in time to catch a sale. 3 bras for $28. I wanted to go into Nike but when I saw the line I decided it was time for me to go home. Too many people and my social battery was on empty. I grab my bags and head home.

"Mom, I'm home."

"Hello, my rose how was last day of school." My mother said in broken English.

"It was great Enat , I'm just happy to be finished with high school."

"I'm so proud of you habibti. Me and your father are so happy for you to start your career." She said with all smiles.

         My parents were 100% supportive of me and my dreams and I really did love them for it. I know that they've always had big expectations for me being that I'm the only child. And I plan on fulfilling them, but something in me felt bad knowing that I would have to leave both my loving parents to go across the country for school. Who would come home and bother them now? Nobody? Oh the horror.

"Thank you Enat. I can't wait either, but I will miss you both so much." I say with tears in my eyes. I don't know what I would do without my mom or dad.

"Don't worry about us habibi, we will have our hands full with your cousins coming from back home.  We will be so busy we'll forget you're gone." She says laughing.

"Ouch, mom, that hurts." I say, playfully clutching my chest while laughing. But she's right 4 of my cousins from both sides of the family were coming to America to visit. A visit that sadly I was going to have to miss.

"Hush and go upstairs an finish packing. You know you leave in a few days." She says making a shoo gesture.

"Dang it's almost like you want me to leave." I say chuckling under my breath while making my way upstairs.

I had just finished packing my things and reached for my violin when I heard the doorbell ring. Probably just dad. I go downstairs to open the door and when I open it I'm shocked to see my father... and all of my cousins. And when I say all I mean all of them. The twins, Blessings and Grace and their younger brother Issa. Then there was Luka and his younger sister Khona. And then there was Ayan.

They all evidently looked tired, their eyebrows knit with an emotion I couldn't place. I stand at the door for a few more seconds, looking back at all the pained faces. They enter the living room quietly. You could hear a pin drop.

"Well, you all look lovely." I say still a bit surprised breaking the silence.

Then my father spoke.

"Nalah, now is not the time. There is war."

Hi everyone. So this is kind of an introduction of Nalah to everyone, where you're getting a better look into her home life. She's just about to leave for college when major news comes to her family. Will this put a pause on her dream?

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