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This story was built off of a dream I can only remember 30 seconds of, but decided to build on.

Nalah wasn't exactly a social butterfly. She wasn't openly sensitive. It was always easy to hide how she felt, but it became difficult to do so when she met Ezra. When she saw him she felt elated. Like the  breath had been knocked out of her lungs. Just a glance at him gave her constant rushes of adrenaline which she never knew she needed. When her world was constantly throwing battles for her to overcome all she could think of was him. From his smooth darkest skin to his bold facial features. The thought of falling in love never crossed her mind. But in her eyes he was love and she wanted it.

Ezra, although stern faced, liked the believe that he was a kind hearted person. The hardships that he faced only made him want to treat others around him with kindness. But his past constantly reminded him why he shouldn't. Now his need to be in control overpowered his feeling to be kind. He had no friends that weren't dead, he had a life many people would refuse to believe was true. He himself always wondered what his life could've been like if he didn't have his own memories haunting him. For him love didn't seem like an option. It was something that had no control. And he didn't need that.

Nalah Rue Rose is played by Rubi Rose.
Ezra Noir Lyons is played by the Tall Beautiful Dark Skinned man that was in my dream.
- N

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