He Gives You A Bath (All Boys)

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He Gives You A Bath

Niall: (Age 5)

“C’mon babe, it’s bath time.” Niall yelled up the stairs. You were currently in your room, trying to avoid the embarrassment of your older brother giving you a bath. Your parents had gone out so Niall was in charge of you and one of your parents orders was that he has to give you a bath since you skipped out on it last night.

And to make things even more embarrassing Niall’s friends were over.

You didn’t respond to Niall which cased Niall to come up the stairs and into your room.

“C’mon Y/N, the quicker you get in the bath, the faster you get out.” Niall sighed.

“I don’t wanna take a bath.” You mumbled as he walked over to you and picked you up, setting you on his hip.

“I know, but let’s just get it over with, yeah?” He asked as you shrugged. You already knew that there was no chance of getting out of this.

You rested your head on Niall’s shoulder as he walked down the stairs, through the living room and into the bathroom. He set you on the counter then turned off the bath water, which was filled to the perfect amount.

He walked back over to you and motioned for you to lift your arms up. You hesitated at first then lifted them up. Niall grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your head then set you on the ground. He quickly pulled your pants and underwear down, sensing you were embarrassed, then picked you up under your arms and setting you in the bath tub.

“Do you want any toys?” He asked and you shook your head, looking down at the water. “Well tilt your head back so I can get your hair wet.” Niall said as he filled a cup up with water. You did as told and he used one hand to shield your face and the other one to pour the water over your head, making you arch your back when it came in contact. After that he put shampoo in your hair then washed it out.

He had you stand up, while he put some soap on a washcloth and he proceeded to wash your body, making you blush because let’s face it, that’s awkward.

After he was done you sat back down and the soap was washed off of your body.

“Do you wanna play for a little bit?” He asked and you quickly shook your head because you just wanted to be done.

Niall started draining the water then picked you up out of the bath and wrapped a big fluffy towel around you. He picked you up and placed you on his hip then proceeded to walk out of the bathroom, through the living room where the boys were, and upstairs to your room.

Niall then set you on the bed and went over to your dresser, pulling out a pair of underwear and some pajamas. He then came back over to you and made sure you were completely dry before getting you dressed and picking you back up.

He stopped and grabbed a brush on his way down to the living room. When you got downstairs Niall sat in the recliner with you on his lap and he brushed your hair, making sure to get all the tangles out. When Niall was done with your hair he put the brush on the table and continued talking to the boys while you started to dose off on his chest.

Harry: (Age 8)

You’ve been sick for the past 2 days with a fever, a headache, and a stomachache. And to make things even worse your parents were away so you were alone with Harry. Of course, Harry’s amazing but you just really wanted your mum because she always knows how to make you feel better.

“Hey Boo, mum told me to give you a bath.” Harry said walking back into the living room where you were currently lying on the couch. You didn’t even bother answering as he picked you up and brought you to the upstairs bathroom.

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