The after party

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Sorry it's taken me awhile to get this up, but here it is!!

The graduation ended very quickly after I sat down. So I went to go find my friends and family.
"Oh, Lily!" I heard my mom scream through the crowd. I make my way towards her and when I finally reach her she gives me a huge hug. I could tell she had been crying. "So I don't think being on stage is my thing." I laugh and my mom smiles. It's so nice to see her smile again ever sense...... well that's a whole other story. "Well i am so so proud of you I knew you could do it." she started to cry again. Which in turn made me start to cry which did who knows how many bad things to my make up, but that's ok because there happy tears. and you know what they always say,"everybody Cry's at graduations," or was it weddings? Well I don't know. Either way me and my mom weren't the only ones crying.
"Ok well sweetie you can go be with you friends if you want."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes, go have fun."
"So what's my curfew?" I'm fully prepared for her to say 12 or 1.
" Well I know if I give you a curfew you'll just break it so I'm not giving you one-"
"What? No way!" I interrupted.
"Yes but I'm trust you'll make the right decisions."
By the time she got done with her sentence I had already hugged her and was on my way to find my friends.
Sydney wasn't hard to find because her family is always really close to mine.
I walk up and she is talking to two of my other best friends, Isaiah and Emma.
When they notice my presence, I'm greeted with hugs and high fives.
"Wow lily I think you can make a career out of that." Isaiah said and instantly I new he was being sarcastic. Emma laughed.
"Oh really, out of what?" I question him.
"Out of falling you could be a stunt double or something." By the end of his sentence both him and Emma were laughing hard and so was I. frankly it's hard not to laugh when Isaiah tells a joke.
"Shut up Isaiah!" I yell through my laughs. Emma along with several people said "its ok I barley noticed" but I just laughed when they said that.
Through the night I talked to my brother and his best friend Kyle. In the fall me along with Isaiah, Emma and Sydney will be living with them in their huge house right next to Texas a&m were coincidentally we all will be attending.
Now I know what your thinking that's a terrible idea four boys (Steven being the fourth, he should be around here somewhere) and five girls ( Drew and Marit which are probably off somewhere talking to boys) but heck you only live once right.
Ironically right as I think that, all my friends Marit, Drew, and Steven included show up. Once they all give me hugs for no apprentice reason(probably cause they feel bad for me). After that Emma says very excitedly, " So, what party are we going to?"
We all look at each other and unanimously say "22 lake drive." now let me explain lake drive is the biggest and baddest after party in the state of Texas. There's always collage kids, which means collage boys if ya know what I mean.
Steven who really hadn't said a word to me all night said, "bye the way I loved you up there." the sarcasm was evident. so I just laughed and said, "like yours was any better." his face got super serious, "you wouldn't" he challenged. "Oh,but I would, unless you stop bothering me."
"Ok ok." he said as he walked very quickly away.
The house was huge and was filled with probably over a thousand people. Some were making out, others playing beer pong. I was so happy all my friends were here cause I was terrified and I'm willing to bet they were to. So Isaiah, being the adventurous person he is leads us all into the house and hands us a drink. then we hit the dance floor. people are yelling and talking and kissing yet all I can focus on is the boy by the table. With dark brown hair with eyes to match he was something out of a dream. So, being the huge flirt I am (that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell) i decide to walk over. Well as soon as I get to him , he turns around right as someone is throwing who knows what at him or should I say me. The boy moves out of the way and all I feel is very very cold ice in my bra. my mouth hangs open so I close it quickly before he noticed.
"Oh, man that sucks I'm sorry." brown eyes said. "Oh, it's really ok-"
"No," he interrupted "here take my shirt." Then out of nowhere he takes his shirt off.
"Here," he noticed me staring at the perfection "I know I know I'm hot."
I had no idea what to say so I didn't say anything.
"It's ok. Oh I'm Caleb by the way."
"Well lily as much as I enjoyed this I have to go."
Aw so soon!
"Ok." I said nonchalantly.
He walks away and up to a blonde and then they join everybody else and start to make out. of course just my luck. The rest of the party was nothing in comparison of meeting brown eyes I mean Caleb.
So I really hope you guys liked it please vote and like!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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