Break up

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Just wait for the end it's to die for
My boyfriend has been lying lately so I'm gonna confront him
Paige: hey nick can we talk
Nick: nah I'm going to hang out with Ryland
Paige: Ryland is back in Carlsbad
Nick: then I'm going to hang out with chase
Paige: Chase is with charli
Nick: why is it your business
Paige: because it is
Nick: no it's not I'm leaving
He walks into me and leaves
A few hours later
Nick comes home with hickeys all over him and drunk with his clothes all wrinkled and his hair all messed up with lip stick all over his face and I have the light off and then once he closes the door I cut the light on
Nick: why the fuck are sitting in the dark
Paige: why are you lying
Nick: well......e-e-end......of.........d-d-discussion
Paige: fine...end of relationship
I walk upstairs and I pack my shit up and he follows me
Nick: where are you going
Paige: I'm leaving we are over
I get all my stuff in a duffle bag and I leave and I knock on tony and ondreaz's front door crying and tony answers it
Tony: whats wrong lil sis
I fall and cry into his arms
He takes me inside and sits me on the couch and Dre comes downstairs
Dre: what's wrong
Tony points to me
Dre: woah who died
I whisper
Paige: me and nick are over
Dre: what
Paige: me and nick are over
I start crying harder and they come hug me and I cry in their arms and then kiss my head and I fall asleep and that lay me down
The next morning
I woke up to a massive headache from crying all night and I get up off the couch and go in Tony's room and see he's awake so I get under the covers and cuddle up against him
Tony: how you feeling
Paige: I just don't understand why he was lying
Tony: I don't know either
I take my phone out my pocket and see I have
10 missed calls from teddy🧸♥️😘
20 texts from teddy🧸♥️😘
15 calls from shawty🥺♥️
20 texts from shawty🥺♥️
5 texts from vani🤡❤️
20 calls from kouvkouv🦋🥺🥰
25 texts from kouvkouv🦋🥺🥰
1 text from bad bleep🦋🤬
5 calls from bad bleep🦋🤬
So I answer kouvr first

end of relationship I walk upstairs and I pack my shit up and he follows me Nick: where are you going Paige: I'm leaving we are over I get all my stuff in a duffle bag and I leave and I knock on tony and ondreaz's front door crying and tony answer...

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