Chapter 1-The New Girl.

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Paige was a new girl she had just moved to Miami, California one day she had lived in Chicago before moving to Miami . She went for a walk one day when she did she had bumped into a boy who was the same age as her. "Whoops sorry about that." She smiled at the boy. "It's okay , so what's your name?" He replied as he smiled politely at the girl. "My names Paige what's yours?" She asked curiously. "Nice name and it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Tyler , are you new around here in Miami, California?" He questioned. "Yep I am actually and it's nice to meet you too." She replied . 

"Where were you from before you moved here?" He asked curiously as he wondered. " I moved from Chicago to here actually just moved today." She replied. "Ah that's cool . Do you wanna be friends?" He asked. " Sure." She smiled as she kind of blushed she kind of had a crush on him even though they had met for the first time so with that they became friends and hung out together to get to know eachother a little more.

"So who did you move here with?" He asked curiously as he wanted to know. "My mom and my dad and my little sister." She told him. " Sounds pretty cool." He smiled. " Yes indeed." She nodded as she smiled back at the blond boy that was her age.

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