Chapter 3-Paige, You Look Really Pretty Today.

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Tyler looked over at Paige and he smiled "Paige, you look really pretty today." said, Tyler with another smile . " Thanks Tyler." Paige had replied as she smiled. "You're welcome ." He had said.

"I like your bracelet." Tyler's friend, Radley had said as he smiled at her. "Thank you for the compliment that you like my bracelet." Paige had said to Radley. "You're welcome Paige." Radley replied. "So who was the one who built the ramp for your group?" Paige asked curiously as she wanted to know. " It was Tyler he's the one who built the ramp for our skateboarding group." Radley had awnsered her question. " Really? that's so cool." She replied. "Yep it's true I did." Tyler nodded. " Coolness." Paige said as she smiled. "Yep it is." He nodded once again.

"Can I ask you something ?" She asked. "Sure what is it?" He questioned. "Did it take long to build or no?" Paige asked curiously. " Nope not really I built it in two days and finished it very fast." he responded to her question. " That's cool." Paige said as she smiled at him. "Yep." He nodded for the third time. 

Paige smiled at Tyler in a day dream like way he could tell she really liked him actually since it wasn't very hard to tell she did even his friend knew about that she liked Tyler of course. Tyler smiled back at her when she had smiled at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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