Weight of a Soul

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He could walk these branches blindfolded he thinks, every twig, every notch is etched into his mind. It had taken some time when he was young to get a handle on it. The paralysing fear of falling off was a compelling concern and yet he persevered every day until he succeeded. It was one of his greatest achievements, he still remembers the joy he felt, the excited nerves at telling his father and brother. They congratulated him of course but the conversation was quickly moved onto the recent battle Thor gotten involved in. It is why he often finds himself within the realm of the elves.

A particular benefit of the Elven Realm is it's ruling monarch, Uncle Frey. He was not the original ruler of the realm, he is of a royal house of Vanaheim. And since Alfheim holds many courts and many ruling families but Odin in all his wisdom decreed that Frey would hold authority over them all. Not that he took it seriously, he acted merely as a figurehead and only interfered in the Elves business as it was necessary. He works with the population rather than against it which they begrudge, but they did find a neutral ground to bond over with their shared hatred of Odin. To them, he is an old fool with too much power and an ego to rival a celestial, and people wonder where Thor gets it from. It was a point of contention at any family dinner, that is to say, it had caused some conflict within the House of Odin. Frigga's love for them both holds it all in a delicate balance, Loki often thought that it was the only thing holding back Frey from all-out war.

Alfheim resembles what the Midgardians would call a fairy tale. Towering pale brick castles with spires that reach to the heavens and gardens that sprawl as far as the eye can see. A variety of creatures flutter about the flowers and high trellises. Babbling brooks and secret passages are a norm for the elven courts. To be one with nature and magic is to be connected to all things, a balm for the soul and a remedy for a troubled psyche. Alfheim is considered to be at the forefront of knowledge regarding Seidr, whether that be Asgardian, Eldritch, Elven or Darkhold. There is no shortage of knowledge within these halls, and that precious fact drew him here constantly over the millennia. His uncle made sure that he never judged for his differences, Frey even encouraged anything he wanted to pursue. He tends to hold Loki in higher regard than Thor, a rarity among the realms and very much appreciated by the trickster.

He decides to surprise his uncle, as he is unsure of his reception, not knowing how much he knew or had heard. He finds him where he often is, in his study. He cloaks himself out of habit, as he had been doing since leaving Hela's realm. He just watches him for a moment, like an unchanged memory, visiting his uncle for comfort or guidance. This room held many memories for them both, lessons on ruling a realm, providing wisdom on personal issues and the most frequent, complaining about Odin and Thor.

As if pulled from his lips he sighs, "Uncle."

Frey's head snaps up at the noise, instantly searching around the room as he gets to his feet, "... Loki?" he gasped.

Finally undoing the cloaking spell for Frey's eyes only he stands alone before the King of Alfheim, who wastes no time in gathering Loki in his arms.

Loki tenses at the sudden movement, scared to break whatever this was. But this makes Frey's face scrunch up in confusion so, in true warrior fashion, he pulls him in for an even tighter and enveloping hug. Which Loki is hopeless not to sink into. "I've missed you, nephew."

"I've missed you too, uncle."

Frey pulls back and takes a long look at him, trying and failing to voice his thoughts. Loki just nods and whispers "I know," a tired grin on his lips.

Regaining some of his composure Frey motions to take a seat near the large fireplace situated close to his large ornate desk. Plush chairs hug either side of the hearth, making for a warm and inviting atmosphere.

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