Love story

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Ripley: "This is your new Captain. Captain Robert Sullivan."
And in the moment he made his step into Andy's eyesight everything Inside her froze.

She knew him, a little too well maybe. And while that man that was now standing in front of her brought up the same feelings inside of her, he still seemed so different from back then.

He didn't say a word to her but from the way Robert looked at her she could tell he didn't completely forget about their shared time even when it was ages ago.

He was stiff and voice sounded stern but Andy couldn't hear what he was saying at all. She was lost in his eyes, where deep inside she could still see the flames and when ever he glimpsed at her she could feel him igniting a fire deep within her.

It felt a little like when they were both young and saw each other for the first time. They didn't know each other but somehow they could communicate with their eyes and Andy couldn't help but feel like it was meant to be.

But now they were grown up, things had happened and they had changed and she's still not sure how but somehow things between them ended and they drifted apart.

As Flashbacks of their time started flooding Andy's mind they got Interrupted by a loud "dismissed."

As if there was a fire Andy fled and found herself sitting down on the catwalk leaning her head back against the railing before the flashbacks took over her thoughts.

Andy stood on the balcony and breathed in that summer air while looking down on the garden where everyone else was enjoying the party.

The sun just started setting and someone had turned on the lights that lit up the entire garden and changed the atmosphere.

Then her gaze got caught by him, whom she had been waiting for the entire time.

Robert making his way through the crowd, saying hello to some people he knew and then he caught her eyes.

And there was that fire. Each time they saw each other it ignited like the first time they laid eyes on each other.

Little did She know that he was her Romeo.

Andy went to the stairs to get down to him and meet him halfway. But as they got closer Pruitt stepped in front of Andy and stopped Robert. "Stay away from Andy!" He said with a stern voice.

"Dad!" Andy said in shock. "No Andy, he's no good for you. Robert you need to leave now!" Pruitt locked at him angrily waiting for him to leave and he wasn't quite sure what to do when he saw Andy breaking down crying on the staircase.

When Robert looked back to Pruitt he knew he had no choice but to leave. He slowly turned away when Andy started begging him. "Please don't go!"

Andy got up and ran to him hugging him and whispering into his ear. "Robert, just take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess."

"Andy this isn't a fairytale."
"But it's a love story so just say yes." She said pleading and he could see it in her eyes. How she needed him.

"Come to the garden when everyone is gone. I'll be waiting." He whispered into her ear and then he let her go and walked away.

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