{Chp9} Secrets

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Draco's POV:

I don't think i've ever felt such peace in my entire life than when she was falling asleep in my arms. I knew i shouldn't have fallen for her from day one and i knew it would end badly but i think she knew that aswell and decided it was worth a shot at least. When she walked through those doors of the great hall i hardly even noticed her sister beside her. I was so drawn to her.

I woke up the next morning as the sunlight crept in my window and slowly opened my eyes to see her laying on my chest peacefully sleeping. She was beautiful. I gently tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she slowly opened her eyes. Those beautiful grey eyes.

"Morning beautiful" i smiled down at her

"Morning Dray" she smiled up at me with a sparkle in her eyes.

"We would want to get up wouldn't be a good idea to miss the first day of school would it?" I said raising an eyebrow at her playfully.

"Oh shit what time is it, how long do we have til breakfast" her eyes widened.

"half an hour" i said cooly. She practically jumped out of my arms and i rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh come on Lia 5 more minutes"

"Draco i am not being late to my first day of school, now get up i'll meet u in the great hall for breakfast" she said picking up her dress and shoes from last night before coming over to give me a quick kiss goodbye. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tightly into me. She struggled to get loose and jokingly hit my chest.

"Stop it i know your games and it's not going to work now get up" then she winked and left.

I groaned and went to take a quick shower knowing i'd be ready in 10 mins.

Amelia's POV:

I rushed down the stairs and almost ran straight into Blaise who caught me just before i did.

"Someone's got an extra spring in their step?" he smiled at me.

"I could say the same for you Blaise, make sure Draco isnt late for class or i'll kill him" i continued on my way, running up the stairs to my dorm.

I flung open the door and saw Pansy getting dressed faster than ever.

"I swear i'm going to kill that boy, he knew right well what time it was and wasn't even going to say anything!" she complained while tying her tie.

I quickly grabbed my uniform and threw it on.

"Same Draco would have stayed there all morning if i hasn't asked" I said while brushing my hair. We both chatted about the night before and what happened with the two boys before legging it down the stairs and out the common room door.

"We only have five minutes to eat breakfast!" Pansy shouted while grabbing my hand and running down the corridor. We went speeding into the Great Hall. I stepped onto the bench and jumped over the table to land on the opposite side and sat down beside Draco.

"Now that was an entrance" Blaise said chuckling to himself.

"Show off," Draco muttered under his breath jokingly.

"Fuck you Blondie" i laughed back slapping his arm.

"So soon? I'm surprised your even walking after last night."

My jaw dropped. I cant deal with his boy. He started to laugh and got up to leave.

"You'd really want to eat class is in 5 minutes" he said before kissing me on the cheek and walking out of the Great Hall.

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