32.Anu is cheating on Sid?

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Everyone were enjoying their time together

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Everyone were enjoying their time together. Knowing the fact that, Anu hates PDA, Sid is trying his level best to keep his hands to himself. For Sid it felt like, the most delicious food is kept at distance where he can get its aroma, but can't eat it. He has tried to talk to his Sunshine through messages. But she was royally ignoring him. Why? Because he has been sending her shameless messages, which are enough create a myriad of sensations in her. His last message has left her truly speechless.

You have been a very bad girl Sunshine, today let's announce to our family that you are my wife.
P.s:- exactly the same way we did before 😉.

This message really set her hormones on fire. At same time she was worried if he would actually make her shout, so that their families could hear. It would be really very embarrassing, if that were the case. She glanced at Sid, only to see a amused grin on his face. She decided to avoid him, till he sleeps. Only then will she enter their room. The great Anya Raichand, who is self proclaimed as the bravest, is behaving like a scared cat to enter her own room. Sid is giving a really tough time to the poor girl.

Sid:- I'm feeling sleepy, come let's go Sunshine.

Anu:- you are feeling sleepy right? So you go, I want to spend some time with the rest.

Sid gave 'how-long-are-going-to-escape' look to Anu.

The rest of them chatted for a while, when Anu got a call from Sid, so she excused herself.

Dadi:- have you guys noticed something?

Sujatha(Sid's mom):- maa, do you also feel there is something wrong with Sid & Anu.

Dadi:- precisely.

Anjali:- true, they are not at all like a couple who just had their honeymoon.

Padma (Ri's mother):- they are sitting like benchmates, and Anu has been avoiding him from morning.

Sanyu:- I noticed it as well, Bhabhi was not even willing to go with Bhai.

Rohan:- what is so surprising about it, she might have realised she has better choices like me waiting for her.

Ridhanth:- will you just shut up, we are discussing something serious here.

Aliya:- but don't you guys remember, how Sid calls Anu with endearments?

Anjali:- that was just to irritate her I guess. You people know right, she hates those names?

Aliya:- true.

Ridhanth:- does that mean they share a platonic relationship.

Anjali:- maybe?

Abhi:- so what do you all want to do now?

Sujatha:- the only solution I can think of, is to see how they behave, when they are alone.

Dadi:- I second that.

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