10.Sid's Proposal

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Mr. Singhania seems to be rather tensed. I mean why not, they are going to say no to one of the richest and influencial families of the country.

Raj:- what's the reason for the sudden visit, Mr. Singhania?

If only they knew.

Manoj:- it's about the marriage proposal Mr. Raichand.

Raj:- we have not come to any decision yet.

Manoj:- it's not what it is about Mr. Raichand. We are really sorry for the inconvenience, but my son Vikram isn't interested in marriage.

Raj:- bother elaborating, Mr. Singhania.

Manoj:- he doesn't want this marriage Mr. Raichand.

Raj uncle looked at Mr. Singhania menacingly. At that moment, anyone who is facing him can die in the fear of anticipating, what might come next. I have seen him like this the first time, and Abhi's expressions are no better. Looks like this family is going to bury the Singhanias alive today. Raj uncle broke the silence with a murderous glint in his eyes.

Raj:- (growling)correct me if I'm wrong.
You brought up the marriage proposal first.
You were being persistent about it. Despite me telling, we have not thought regarding that matter.
My daughter was upset with me because of this, and was not willing to talk to me.
I had to do so many things to convince her.
Now that she has agreed to give it a chance, you say your son is not okay with the proposal.
Why did you initiate the matter, without taking your son's approval.

I felt like I was seeing a beast in front of me, ready to lunge on the Singhanias. While Mr. Singhania was just nodding his head furiously.


He was breathing fire now . Poor them😌.

Here I was thinking I will protect her, how presumptuous of me.

😇:- be careful Sid or you can be at the receiving end of this wrath as well. Never let then know you are behind this, or it might be the last day to see the, face of the earth😂.

Hey that's not really helpful you know! Buddy aren't you enjoying it too much? That too, at my expense. My Sunshine's melodious voice broke my string of thoughts.

Sunshine:- please calm down dad. And What is wrong with you abhi? Why are you loosing it as well?

Abhi:- you expect me to be calm, after what they have done. They have the guts to take the Raichands for granted. I will personally destroy them, for even thinking they can play around with us, with you. I WILL DESTROY THEM.

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