It had been month after the total defeat of Trihexa.
It was all thanks to Issei's efforts. He fought to his last breath leading to the destruction of the boosted gear and its power. Issei was heart broken to think that his best friend and destined to be life long partner had died and this was for good.During the first week the girls avoided Issei thinking that he needed space to be himself and mourn the loss of his partner Ddraig.
He had stopped doing his devil contract and stopped going to film the Oppai Dragon show in the supernatural world based of off him.
Osseo deep down hoped that the girls would be here to comfort him hut every time that he called them or asked them to be there with him they would all say they are really busy with the devil jobs and repairs for the aftermath of the previous battle.Today was the day he was going back to living his life. He knew deep down that it was Ddraig would have wanted.
Making his way to school he didn't talk to anyone.
He slowly made his way to class in calm manner wearing an expressionless face. To him this was just as any other ordinary day so to him the day went by like a flash and right now he was going to the ORC to do his contracts and jobs and see the faces of the people he missed so much. Walking, expecting blissful faces upon return was a little taken aback when he noticed that Kiba was the only one who seemed joyous to see the return of his brother.
The girl acted as if he had been with them since the beginning of the month.
Feeling a little sad Issei then went on to talk to his fiance', Rias Gremory the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
" Hi Rias, my wife to be aren't you glad to see me?" the boy asked in teasing voice."Ahhh Issei you are back, good to see you." she said looking down and continuing with the paperwork on her table.
He went on to greet all his other wives to be only to receive the same reply even from Irina and Asia. This disappointed him a lot.
He then decided it was best to go see his clients, maybe when he comes back things will be back to normal.______________________________________
We see Issei returning from his devil duties.
Today he had gotten 6 new contracts and hoped he could surprise Rias on doing such a good job.
Teleporting into the ORC room we see him landing in the room with a big grin on his face.
"Rias I got six new contracts today." he said handing Rias the payment he had received.
Rias immediately smiled at him then went back to work.The day had reached its end and right now we see everyone prepping to leave for home basically since all of them lived together.
Issei was the first to leave and was shocked to see he was the only one and Kiba going.
He then decided to get to the bottom of this and lied to Kiba telling him that he had forgotten his jersey at school.On his way back he saw Rias and Akeno heading to Kouh's College for higher education.
He followed them to see them heading back to their classroom.
He followed them till they entered and waited outside so he can follow them to what they were truly hiding.
After about twenty minutes Issei grew impatient and suspicious as to why they had not come out yet.
He then walked to the class and opened the door slightly not to alert the occupants of the room.
What he saw made him so speechless and heart broken that he could not move. It was the life was draining out of him.
Right before his eyes, he could Rias and Akeno lying at the sides of a handsome blond looking man with a tall and built figure.
Both were panting heavily whilst the guy was only sweating."This is the best sex I have had all month. Maybe I should have left that pervert long ago. Yes he made happy but the only thing useful about him was his sacred gear and he has lost that too along with us." said the black haired woman looking at her friend.
" At least your marriage isn't official. I am going to marry that boy some day and it's gonna be the worst experience in my life. I would rather that pervert over this handsome gentleman we have here. " said the one and only love of his life.
Issei couldn't take it anymore and he did not have Ddraig to calm him down. He just started running and kept running. Running away from the scene he had just witnessed.
He then came to his senses and noticed he was at the park were all of this had started and rivers were coming out from his eyes.
So much anger built up in his body and a sudden pain started to plague him. He kept clenching the area of his heart as it started to hurt him with an unbelievably amount of pain.Then he heard the voices of people approaching the area he was at.
He then hid in a bush nearby to avoid being seen in such a pathetic state.After he jumped into the bush the voices drew closer only to reveal the rest of the ORC girls.
Suddenly Rosswiese then asks, " How were all of your boyfriends doing girls?"
Asia: Chad is a real gentleman and a person who really protects me I think I want to marry him
Irina: Uryu is great. He is so amazing
Xenovia: I think I am in love with Luck. He is so chivalrous and treats me as the center of the world. I feel safe in his arms.
Koneko: Yuno is not a pervert and is special to me.
Ravel: and here I thought I loved that good for nothing pervert. Basara has been a blessing. How about you Rosswiese? how is Abarai?
Rosswiese : the love of my life he is everything I need in a man. Unlike Issei.
Speaking his name made the girls go crazy.
Asia: I can't stand him anymore
Irina:He is no longer the friend I used to know.
Xenovia:without the boosted gear he is nothing to me anymore.
Koneko: he is the enemy of women everywhere.Hearing those words come out of the mouths of the very people he risked life for was so much hurtful that his anger and pain started to rise bringing a wave of unimaginable pain to Issei's body and groaned in agony as he felt all the strength in him fade away. Then he fell unconscious.

Issei's Betrayal
FanfictionAfter being discarded and thrown away by his girlfriends....Issei is reborn and join him as he walks his new path