Laughter In The Rain

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Rainbow Dash walked the beaten, dirt ridden path of Ponyville's evergreen park.

The crunch of the other set of footsteps was calming, as it was just she and Applejack, just She and her girlfriend.

Low giggles enacted from AJ's throat, confirming the excitement she felt to finally be alone with Dash.

They came to a small pond, trees dotting the outline of the Everfree forest.

Gripping Applejack's hand a little tighter, Dash felt a surge of excitement as they were nearer to their destination.

"C'mon, Dash! Are we there yet?" Applejack giggled lightly, her voice having a light and fluffiness to it, complimented with her accent.

Rainbow weaved through a few more trees for five more minutes, and they came to a big clearing.

Applejack smiled as Dash turned to her, magenta hues burning with excitement.

Dash pulled Applejack to the middle of the open, grassy field, and pushed her to the ground, pinning her down.

"Dash~" Applejack giggled again, feeling the grass tickle the nape of her neck and her exposed back due to the crop top.

Dash peppered kisses all over Applejack's face, then whispered in mid-chuckle,"I love you, AJ."

Applejack snaked her arms around Dash's neck and pressed their lips together, and felt the rush of being so close.

Rainbow Dash kissed back, balancing on her knees on either side of Applejack's hips, hunched forward.

Applejack pulled away and smiled whole heartedly, taking the time to admire Rainbow's deep pink eyes.

Rainbow suddenly closed her eyes, cutting AJ's admiration short.

Her face scrunched up.

After a few seconds of silence, she asked,"Do- do you- does it smell... Wet... To you?"

AJ promptly swatted her arm. "Dash! Don't be dirty!"

"No- I mean, like, seriously. The air seems to smell moist."

"What'doya mean?"

"Well, call me crazy, but I think it's going to-"

A pelt of water touched down on Applejack's forehead.

Then another.

And another.


And just like that, they were being pelted with water droplets.

It began almost a storming in a split second. In a matter of seconds, Rainbow and AJ were soaked as the jumped up from the ground and their eyes scavenged the field.

"Over there," Rainbow yelled over the pouring rain.

Applejack smiled wildly, flashing her white teeth, and began sprinting towards the big willow tree.

Dash laughed as she followed in suit, her laugh was heard over the roar of the rain.

Applejack leaned against the tree, and turned to see Dash arrive, breathing heavily.

"Nice one apples," she smirked, pressing their foreheads together.

Applejack gave a hearty smile to her lover, hugging her closer, savoring her smell of sopping wet skittles.

Rainbow Dash chuckles, happy for the warmth of another. Except it was better because it wasn't just anyone. It was Applejack.

Dash pulled away and gently pressed a kiss onto Applejack's mouth, and Applejack squeaked.

"I love you so much," Dash said softly, gazing into Applejack's vibrant Jade Green eyes.

Applejack felt the air catch in her throat, as her heart pounded out of her chest.

"Ah love ya', too, SugarCube," she said after a second, hugging Dash again.

"Ah love ya' more than I can actually say," she concluded, lacing her fingers with Dash's.

Dash grinned, pulling on her hand. "C'mon. Let's go to my place. We're gonna be colder than shit if we stay out here."

Applejack smiles. "Alright, Rainbow," she giggles, letting Dash drag her along, just as they'd come.


OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS!!! I just really wanted to write this!
Sorry for all the exclamation points! I'm feeling ambitiously gay today!

Inspired by the song:

Laughter in The Rain by Niel Sedaka!

Love that song cause he sounds like a girl and it made me think of these two for some reason, because you don't expect then to be all fluffy and cute!

No offense to Niel Sedaka by the way. Love his singing, and there's nothing wrong with it! It's amazing.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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