Chapter 17

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We were leaving the mall, when Lou remembered something I didn't want anyone to remember.

"Guys! We didn't buy Kenzie Bun a present!" he said.

"That's true! We're so sorry." Liam said.

"Let's buy one now!" Zayn suggested.

"Where?" Harry asked. The girls shared a look, not including me.

"We could go to Macy's." El said.

"What?" The boys chorused.

"Macy's. It has everything there; notebooks, dresses, jewelery," Perrie explained.

"Macy's it is!" Niall exclaimed.

"Guys I don't need a birthday present!" I said.  

"Yeah you do!" Zayn said.

The boys dragged me to Macy's (totally against my will). The store was really big. It had three floors up, and one floor down. The underground floor was accesories, like shoes, jewelery, notebooks, etc. The first floor was for kids boys and girls. The second floor was for men. And the third floor was for women. 

We directly went to the third floor and started to look at cute outfits. I found this really cute slouchy blue beanie. I always wanted a beanie. I got it from the rack.

"Do you want it?" I heard and Irish accent say behind me. I nodded then turned around.

"I want this for my birthday. And only this." I said.

"I'm not giving you only this babe." he said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Because I'm your boyfriend!" he said. I gave him a little kiss. After a while everyone joined us.

"Guys! You won't believe it!" Niall told the boys.

"What?" They asked.

"All she wants for her birthday is this beanie!" He said getting the beanie away from me.

"Ok. Now you listen to me Kenzie. Its your birthday! Get yourself something nice, and we'll pay it!" Liam said.

"But I only want a beanie," I said.

"Please Mac! Forget this beanie and find something else!" Zayn said. 

I did as told. I walked around the store trying to find something. 

"Kenz!" El shouted. I turned around to look at her, and went in her direction.

"What?" I asked.

"What about this?" she asked me holding up a blue dress, with on the bottom half had a few ruffles, the top part was plain and it had a yellow belt in the middle.

"It's marvellous." I said. "Should I try it on?"

"Obviously!" she said.

"Ok." I whispered.

I went to the dressing room, and closed the curtains. I quickly stripped off my clothes and put on the dress with the belt. I looked at myself in the mirror, and it didn't look that bad. I left the dressing room and all the girls were sitting on a couch waiting for me.

"What do you think?" I asked them. They said things like 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous'.

"You've got to take it." Perrie said. I quickly looked at the price tag,

"I would. If I had the money." I told them.

"Please! It's your birthday and we're giving this to you!" El said pointing at her and at Perrie. 

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