Chapter 2

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The airport always made me either giddy or sad. There's always people leaving or returning, and depending on the situation, it's always either one or the other. 

I was at Starbucks with Izzy, waiting for my brother's plane to arrive, and this was one of those situations that I didn't know whether I should be happy or nervous or both. It has been exactly two years since we've seen each other, and in that period of time, I've changed. I've done something called growing up. 

Last time my brother saw me for example, Izzy and I weren't friends, I didn't have a boyfriend, I didn't go to parties. I was young, and foolish, and I may be naive but I've grown. Not the same little princess I was, that's for sure. 

Izzy could always tell when I was nervous. I know that because of the reassuring smile she gives me, her eyes kind as she looks at me.  

"Don't be foolish." She said shaking her head. "Just make him notice that you're not the same girl as the one he left 2 years ago, and everything will be fine. You've changed since we met, and that's just life." She shrugged lightly, as if to say 'that's how it is and there's nothing you can do.'

"He didn't leave me." I said with a nod, as if to remind myself of such.

"I know, I know." She rolled her eyes at me, her smile brightening slightly.

"Good." I said with a giggle. "Did I put too much eyeliner on?" I asked.

"No, its perfect." She said smiling, "Just put on a little more lipstick."

I get my red lipstick, and the little mirror tucked inside my purse. I opened the case and traced the lipstick around my lips, contouring the format of them with the ink from the lipstick.

"Better?" I asked, plucking my lips. I looked up at her, waiting for her analysis of my lips.

"Sure," she said with a smile, taking a sip of her coffee.

"PASSENGERS FROM FLIGHT 09812 FROM LOS ANGELES, PLEASE GO TO GATE NUMBER 8. PASSENGERS FROM FLIGHT 09812 FROM LOS ANGELES PLEASE GO TO GATE NUMBER 8." As the intercom announced their arrival, I felt my stomach turn into knots tightening at the thought of seeing him again.

"Well, guess we're going to gate number 8?" Izzy confirmed.

"I guess so." I said, throwing my mirror into my purse along with my lipstick before getting up.

We paid for our drinks and headed to gate 8. We waited eagerly, my anxiousness building the longer it took for them to appear. I felt the knots tighten in my stomach, and my palms suddenly felt sweaty. 

That is, until I saw a familiar pair of eyes meet mine as he passed the gate. A smile instantly overtook his face, his figure rushing towards me, and picking me up. My feet dangled in the air as he twirled me around, my face burying in his neck crook. 

"Kenzie," I felt him take a deep breathe before putting me down and taking a hard look at me, as in absorbing my presence. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Lou," I said with a small smile. There was a small silence as I noticed Izzy just standing there, waiting for introductions. "Oh, Lou, this is Izzy, my best friend. Izzy, this is my brother Lou." I said presenting themselves.

"Oh." Louis said, turning towards her, before plastering a smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He stuck his hand out for her to shake.

"Quite." Izzy replied, shaking his hand firmly. 

It was then that I noticed his bandmates standing behind him, their hoodies up as they looked down. 

"Well, Kenzie, meet my bandmates: Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam," he said, indicating each one when appropriate. 

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