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Sophia's pov,

Next memory:

All the lights on the train started to flicker. Sophia subconsciously got closer to Remus when suddenly the dementor came in and started sucking away at Harry's soul. Remus jumped up and yelled, "Expecto Patronum!" Sophia noticed Harry falling and gasped, "Harry!" She went next to him and started shaking his shoulders, "H-harry wake up. Harry. Harry!" Remus pulled her away, "it's okay. He needs to rest. It took a lot out of him." Sophia shook her head, "h-he can't die. H-he's all I have left. H-he can't die. He can't die." Remus made her sit down, "what's your name?" "S-Sophia Potter." Remus smiled, "how old are you, Sophia?" "I-I'm 12." Remus chuckled, "and that's your brother?" Sophia nodded, "yeah. Here have some chocolate it will make you feel better." Sophia perked up, "are you the new defense against the dark arts professor? Everyone says that we have a new on every year and last years dark arts professor was absolutely terrible." Hermione hissed, "sophia!" Ron started chuckling, "nice Soph." Sophia shrugged, "it's true. He lied about multiple things." Artemis hooted from Sophia's shoulder. Sophia watched as Artemis flew onto Remus's shoulder. Remus chuckled, "hello little one." Sophia's eyes got big, "Artemis likes you." Remus raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean? She seems friendly." Sophia nodded, "she is. She has separation anxiety and has panic attacks when she's away from me for long periods of time. She is also claustrophobic and has a fear of people and animals." Remus's jaw dropped, "she's a strange owl." Sophia smiled, "she was being abused at the zoo. One day she escaped and found me. We've been inseparable since. Although she's not very good at delivering letters." Artemis huffed. Sophia smiled, "oh stop being dramatic. Honestly Artemis, we need to work on that. Your an owl." Artemis held her wing to her head and fake fainted. Remus chuckled, "what an odd thing she is." He handed her the owl who was still playing dead in his hands.

James raised an eyebrow at me, "you have a broken owl?" I smiled, "Artemis is not broken. Honestly she's more human than an animal most of the time." Sirius raised an eyebrow, "is she an-." I shrugged, "she was a preforming owl for the zoo. They let them out and learn tricks. Artemis was so little when she found me. She could fit in my hand. Yet she is so extremely brilliant and her personality is amazing."

Next memory:

As the first day of classes rolled around Sophia skipped into her defense against the dark arts class and smiled, "Hello professor Lupin, how are you today?" Remus chuckled at his goddaughter as she smiled and rambled to the man she hardly knew, "hello Sophia, I'm well. How are you and Artemis?" Sophia smiled, "oh we're fine. She's a bit sassy today but that usually. Did you hear?" "Hear what?" Sophia smiled and clapped, "Hagrid brought a hippogriff named Buckbeak into the care of magical creatures class today! Draco Malfoy got hurt for approaching him to quickly and not listening to Hagrid and now the poor thing is being sentenced to death. It's not Buckbeak's fault. He's harmless-." "And how would you know that?" Sophia sighed, "well Hagrid knows that I want to learn as much as I can about magical creatures and well he lets me ride Buckbeak especially when he needs to get his energy out. Honestly professor, it's fabulous. There's nothing to worry about while riding him. Artemis adores him and it's just lovely. The only other animal she's liked was padfoot."

Remus stopped going through his desk, "what did you just say?" "That Artemis only likes Buckbeak and padfoot? Padfoot is a dog we met when we ran away from uncle Vernon and aunt petunia's house. He's a sweet dog. I wanted to take him with us but Harry said no. Minnie would have eventually agreed. I wanted to make him a collar and everything and padfoot agreed." Remus pressed his lips, "and how could you possibly know that?" Sophia smiled, "well he wagged his tail and laid down next to me. He needs a bath though. I can tell that his fur used to be super soft and fluffy but now it's all tangled up and messy. Poor pooch needs some lovin!" Remus shook his head at his goddaughter, "Sophia, listen to me, if you see that dog again don't go near it." Sophia crossed her arms, "I will do no such thing. Padfoot is a good dog." Remus sighed, "Sophia, please promise me." Sophia pouted, "but professor," "Sophia." "Fine."

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