What it takes to get a date

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*art is not owned by us full credit to the artist*

It was an average Saturday, Hinata was looking after Natsu while their parents were out of town for the day to visit some relatives. Since only Hinata and Natsu remained in the house it meant there was no one cooking in the kitchen or cleaning around the house this resulted in the house being eerily quiet.

All you could hear was sound of Natsu pressing the buttons on the PS controller while her older brother watched volleyball games jotting down moves, he thought were cool and ones he and Kageyama could practise. However, the calm atmosphere was short-lived when the kitchen phone started ringing at a volume that was way too loud for the silence that existed a mere second ago. "I'll get it" Hinata said while running to answer it as quickly as possible so that the awful ringing would stop echoing through the corridors.

Hinata wasn't expecting any calls today and was shocked when he heard Kageyamas voice. He and Tobio had been dating for a good couple months now and it was all thanks to Sugawara and Oikawa. They set everything up so that after volleyball practise the pair would meet and although Hinata hated the fact that Suga and Oikawa would mess with both their feelings like that he was glad that he could hang out with Kageyama and talk about more than just volleyball now.

"Hey" they said at the same time. After realising both Hinata and Kageyama stopped talking letting the other have a chance to say what they wanted. The couple had been together for a good while now and had spent many nights talking to each other on discord until one or both of them fell asleep, but things were still awkward every time they actually had to start talking to each other.

Fortunately, Hinata and Kageyama had a lot in common so they would often find something to talk about within seconds but the brief time period of silence before finding a topic to talk about was always extremely awkward.

"So," Kageyama finally said taking on the responsibility of starting the conversation. "I was thinking we could go out tonight" He asked in his usual monotone voice however there was a hint of excitement in his words.

"Woah is Kageyama Tobio asking me out on a date, not to mention you called first this time" Hinata replied sarcastically.

"Come on, It's not that shocking plus I need to get away from my sister I would rather be annoyed by you than sit here while she talks about her hairdressing job. I'm worried that if I stay here for any longer, she's gonna try and give me a makeover and I'm not about to let that happen... not again"

Hinatas POV (first person)

I thought about what Kageyama said. We've hung out before, but this would be our first official date. If it was just any other night, I would've probably said yes with no hesitation but tonight my parents are trusting me to look after Natsu that's a big responsibility. I can't just leave her alone and wait-

'Did- did he call me annoying' now I'm definitely not going.

"Sorry Kags but my parents are away tonight and I have to look after Natsu. I'm sure you can find someone just as annoying to hang out with can't you"

"But I like that you're kind of annoying"

"Is that meant to be sweet? "

"Not gonna lie that sounded better in my head than out loud"

I let out a sigh followed by a small chuckle.

"Anyway, I better go before Natsu burns the house down or does something stupid"

Of course, I wanted to continue talking to Kageyama but right now my main priority is making sure I can get through this night without the house ending up a pile of ashes. Natsu's usually pretty calm but she has her moments when the demon inside her comes out and I do not want to deal with her when she's like that.

Before I could hang up, I heard Tobios voice telling me to wait for a second. I was confused but decided to stay on the call a little longer. I could hear the faint whisper of Kags talking to someone, but I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. I decided to just wait until they were done.

Kageyamas POV (first person)

It was pretty easy getting Miwa to agree to look after Hinatas little sister. Miwa loves looking after little kids and often babysits for some of our neighbours and family friends. She's basically the opposite of me.

I hate little kids.

As soon as Miwa agreed to look after Natsu, I turned back to the phone to tell Shoyo. He was hesitant at first but eventually agreed only after I promised to buy him food from his favourite restaurant. Finally, it was settled, He would meet me at my house drop Natsu off and we would go from there.

I honestly wasn't expecting it to take this long to get a date with my own boyfriend, but I'm glad I got him to agree in the end even if it did take a lot of persuading. 

HEY first chapter is finally done! I suck at grammar and spelling so if there are any mistakes ill try and fix them - Kozu :)

(881 words)

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