"Was...was that your prince!"

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Hinata's POV (first person)

As soon as Kageyama hung up I rushed down the hall to the living room where I saw Natsu still playing her game. But instead of concentrating on the game she kept glancing at me then looking away.

"What is it Natsu?"


"Well, what?"


Why was she being so weird?

We always tell each other everything and its not like I would shout at her for anything so why was she acting so strange?

I brushed it off and started contemplating whether to tell her about me and Kags or not. I mean one secret would be fine, right? Then again, it was basically impossible to keep something from Natsu, she'd find out one way or another. Might as well tell her now and get it over with.

"So Natsu you know how I was on the phon-" I started before I was rudely interrupted.

"Was... was that your prince?"

"My WHAT!?" ok what the heck Natsu- who says stuff like that? How did she even hear me talking on the phone in the first place? As far as I was aware, she was sitting here this whole time unless she somehow snuck down the hall to the kitchen without me seeing. What am I meant to say now?

"Yes, Natsu that was my...prince," I sighed. I could feel my face turning redder by the second but sometimes it's better to just go along with what she says. Trying to explain it now would just confuse her more so I might as well save myself the time and effort even if it means there's a very high chance that Natsu will only refer to Kags as prince now.

"Anyway, talking about my uhm prince I need to see him so you're gonna stay with his sister is that ok?" calling Tobio prince felt wrong in so many ways but I was stuck with calling him that until Natsu dropped the weird nicknames.

"His sister...So like a princess!" her eyes lit up as she spoke.

She does realise they aren't actually royalty right? ...right!?

"Yeah Natsu! let's get changed so you can meet the princess. K?"

"YEAH!" she screamed bolting up the stairs. I slowly followed behind before taking a left and going into my room shutting the door behind me. Now, what to wear...

Hello again we are back with chapter two! As ive said before, if there are mistakes ill try my best to fix them - Kozu :) 

(337 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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