Marcia Albamonte

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I took two steps towards the stranger and shook his hand. His words still bothering me, I had never met him or heard of him in my life.

"Marcia Albamonte." I responded trying to suppress a nervous laugh.

"Come with me, I have some things to talk to you about." He told me and spun on his heel. He started walking down the large corridor and I glanced at Landon.

He inclined his head forward and I walked after Ashton. I followed him into a large library and Landon closed the door behind him.

"I'm sure you have many questions regarding why you're here." He told me with a serious face while he sat down on a stiff looking couch.

I sat across from him on a chair and played with my hands on my lap. "Yes. Up until a few minutes ago, I thought I was going to be sold for my organs." I responded lowly and I heard Landon snort.

Ashton stared up at me with questioning eyes. "That's not why you're here. I thought your mother told you everything, but I'm sure that's not what happened." He told me with a slight glare, not really directed at me.

"So, is it true that I have to marry you?" I asked him while I licked my currently chapped lips.

Don't get me wrong, the guy was pretty attractive but I didn't feel anything for him. Other than slight fear and nervousness at the pit of my stomach. His tousled hair paired nicely with his perfectly shaped jaw. His lips full and glancing a bit higher, I could see a slight crookedness to his nose. His eyes sharp hooded by envy worthy lashes. He cleared his throat and I stopped my wandering eyes.

"Yes, it's a family tradition your mother refused to mention to you." He responded and I noticed his jaw went taunt.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, he hadn't really explained much.

"Our grandfathers  from our father's side met when they were young. Back then, there were six different existing gangs around the city. They were all living in poor conditions yet they all took part in different businesses. One day, they settled their differences and decided to aide eachother in the future. To continue this pact, the head of each gang would marry an important member from another gang. Our grand parents did this, our parents did this and now it's our turn." He finished off and I started to laugh softly.

"What's so funny?" He asked me with an irritated face.

"I'm sorry. I laugh when I'm nervous, it's a terrible fault that I have." I responded trying to stop from laughing.

He stared at me for a couple seconds until he cleared his throat. "So what do you say?" He asked me with a forced smile.

"About what?" I asked him completely clueless, thinking back if he had actually asked me anything.

"About marrying me." He responde while running his hands through his dark hair.

"Um, what?" I responded close to desperation. I know I was stalling him and he knew it too. "So are you saying I belong to some gang?" I asked him not able to wrap my head around it.

"Yes." He blurted out with a sigh.

"Why can't you just marry someone else?" I asked him with a frown.

"Unless I marry your brother, you're the only candidate." He responded may I say, sarcastically. I wonder if my brother knew about this, he was away in the military after all.

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