Hey Everyone!

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I just wanted to send out some good vibes, I know the world is going to shit right now, but that doesn't mean we need to as well! I just want you to know you are safe here and you can stay as long as you need! Go take a deep breath, get some water and food if you need it, everything will be okay! Please remember that you are loved, you are amazing, and you are valid. I love you guys, and I'll be there if you need to talk to anyone. Yet again, I may not know what you are going through, and I might not know how it feels but I'll still listen and try and help if i can, if not, I'll still be here! You can reach out to me on here, or if there is  a different platform you prefer to use just comment and I'll DM you my acc. Just stay here and talk or vibe for as long as you need, I'll be here!  This is you're stop to take a break and take a breath and just calm down for a bit. Everything might now be okay right now, but eventually it will. Please don't give up and keep fighting, I'll always bee here if you need me! I've gone through some shit that still haunts me, but I'm sure some of you have worse, and I'm not here to compare, Just to help! You're doing great, keep it up! Don't let your crown fall, keep fighting, i know it is hard, but you've got this! I believe in you! If you don't have a good relationship with your dad or mom, I'm your new parent (which ever one is kinda shit, I'm chill with being called whatever!) Or I can be your sibling if you would like, either way, just come vibe with me, times are hard right now for everyone, you aren't alone, so many others have gone what you are going through, please tell someone if you aren't feeling the best, I understand what it is like to be scared to reach out cause you feel like it will make you seem weak, but the strongest thing you can do is reach out, it isn't weak at all. If no one will listen, I will, I may not know much, but I'll help if you need it, you can vent to me, or just drop in and say hi! I'm always open if you need me, I'm normally up pretty late so just DM me if you need to talk! But for now, just come vibe with me, I love you, you are safe here! I love you guys!  Keep your head up, it will get better, just keep going, I believe in you, you got this!

~ Love you all,


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