So, this is meant to help people learn that they aren't alone, and that others are fighting to take down Depression too. Your not alone, you are worth everything, and there is no such thing as "Perfect", its just a word, to be "Perfect" is impossible, because to reach the "Perfect" Person, is a ungodly standard, and is almost impossible to reach. No one, is perfect, we all have flaws. and flaws are what make us all beautiful, what make us unique, and like no other... sure, our flaws may bring us down, and give people reasons to laugh at us, but honestly, Do they really have a right to judge you, if they don't know you? No. They don't, but honestly, when your at your lowest, where else is there to go but up? I want everyone to feel at home, and I want everyone to be in a better mood after reading this, I, myself am struggling with things, and I try to stay positive. I know that it doesn't always work, and that sometimes your just, Sad, and its okay to be sad, its okay to cry, its okay, to be human. all of us have had points in our life where we just wanna give up, and give in. But if you keep trying, you'll either get past it, or the time you have on it will run out, but honestly, What ever you got done was enough, and good enough, because you tried. Its Okay to like the same gender, its okay to have an opinion, its okay to want things, its okay to want happiness, and its okay to be sad, as long as you get back up, because someone out there Loves you, needs you, cares for you, even if it doesn't seem so. the person you least expect to love you, will end up loving you for the rest of your lifetime and their's. I, like girls and boys, and thats fine, If your straight, Bi, gay, lesbian, Pan, Transgender, non-binary, or any part of LGBTQ+, its okay, Even if your not in my group with the LGBTQ+, I still care, I still love you guys. If your family, friends, or anyone does not accept you for who you are, how you act, what you believe in, how you dress, ETC. they are not worth your love, time, Tears, or even you. you have to set limits, but make sure they are reasonable, don't set a goal that you can't reach, make sure the people you talk to are worth your time, love, care, and friendship, and it may be hard to move on from a passed family member, break-up, lost pet, or anything your going through, but just remember, its sometimes better to let someone go, but never forget them, but try and move on. if you can't then at least you tried, if your going through a break-up, then it just means their not meant for you, if a loved one passes.. it was their time, but they will watch over you, they will always be with you, their proud of you, and can't wait to see what person you've become when you get older. losing pets, oh I could go on and on bout that. I have lost a lot of pets, and it put me in a place where my heart was broken over, and over, and over again. to the point where I didn't wanna leave my bed, but Getting more animals won't help. Neither will building up your walls. Things will get better. and that is something that will happen, maybe not anytime soon, or it may happen soon, People who don't like you, just can't see through to the real you, if your anything like me, when your in a fight, you'll stand up for yourself and fight back, building your walls up, and not showing how it hurts you, and how your walls are slowly crumbling. when really, it breaks you, it hurts you, and it just makes you feel that nothing will get better. but it will, trust me, there will be days where you don't wanna leave your room, or even move. or even wake up, I have had all of these days, almost every day infact, but if you get up, and move around, that day could be an amazing day, and it could make you happy. your not ugly, your not worthless, your not a joke, your not selfish, spoiled, whiny, and most importantly, your not a mistake
Your not alone.
CasualeThis is meant to help people who are battling depression, or being bullied for looks, the way they talk, etc.