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Jayda's POV 💜•

I booked the tickets and he told me to do it on Spring Break, so that it wont mess up Jayden with school. Its only in like 2 weeks, so thats nice.

Xela woke up about an hour later. She got on her iPad for a little bit and ate her fruit snacks. It was my lunch and David came in my office. "Hi Davey." Xela looked up from her iPad. "Hi Xelaa." I was cleaning off my desk because the papers looking messy were driving me crazy. "Arent you on lunch?" I nodded. "Yes, but I was just cleaning up a little bit before we went to go get some food." He cleared his throat. "Is it ok if I take you guys out for lunch?" I was kind of surprised but he was most likely only doing because of Xela. "Xela, you want to do to eat lunch?" Dave asked her and she nodded her head and got up. "Hand me your iPad, mama." She put it in my hand and grabbed David's hand and walked out my office.

What is so special about him that she loves him so much?

I grabbed my purse and Zela's bag of extra clothes and met them outside. I put her bag on and grabbed her hand. "Mommy I go pee pee." Oh shit. "I'll be right back. I dont want her to have an accident." I took her to the bathroom and she peed. We washed our hands and went back to David. "Sorry about that." He waved me off. "Its fine, she's a toddler, when she gotta go, she gotta go." I laughed. We got in the elevator and he pressed the button to underground parking.

"Oh, I didnt park down here." He chuckled. "We're taking my car." Ooh periodt. "Her carseat is in my car though." He sighed. "My sister made me buy a carseat for my niece. She's fine. Its clean I promise." He opened the door for her and I buckled her in. I went to open my door and he slapped my hand away.

"What was that for?" He shrugged and opened the passenger door. "You shouldnt have to open your own door in the presence of a man." I rolled my eyes playfully and got in. He made sure I was settled and closed the door and went on the other side. I opened his door before he could and he looked at me weird. "If I cant open my door, neither can you." I smiled.

He drove us to a small cafe and we stood in line. "What do you want to eat Xela?" I asked her. "Chickie Nuggies." David laughed at her. "What do you want to eat Jayda?" I smiled. "Umm, I dont know. What do you want to eat David?" I mocked him. "Ugh, Just call me Dave, David make me sound like my pops. But, I suggest the chicken tenders and fries. I get it everytime." I nodded. "I'll trust you on that and Imma just share that with Xela, she barely eats." He nodded. "What can I get for you lovely people today?" The guys at the register said. "2 of my regulars." He nodded. "2 chicken tender plates coming up. $21.57 is the total." Dave pulled out his card. "Wait, I can buy mine own food." He ignored me. "I said I was taking you out for lunch. I got it." I rolled my eyes and went to find somewhere to sit. "Xela sit down babes." She sat in the chair next to me but she couldn't see the table so I put her on my lap.

Dave came over and sat across from us. "I sit with Davey mommy." She got down and went over to him. I gasped. "Xela! You dont love me anymore?" I started fake crying. She just sat kn his lap and smiled. "Wow, I'll remember this when you wanna sleep in my bed." Dave laughed at me. "Hey what can I say. She likes me." I rolled my eyes.

10 minutes later a waiter came over with our food. "Ok, Xela come over her so you can eat." Dave insisted. "Its fine, she can eat with me." I furrowed my brows. They are taking a real huge liking to each other. I looked at the time on my phone. "My lunch break is over in 10 minutes." Dave looked at me weird. "Im pretty sure your boss wont mind, considering you are with him." I laughed. "Yeaa I guess youre right."

We stayed and ate for about 45 minutes, just talking about nothing. "I think we should go back. I have a meeting at 2:45 and its already 2:00." I nodded. We threw away our food and went to his car. Xela fell asleep on the way back to the office. "If you want, you can have the rest of the day off. I know everything has been stressful with having a 2 year old at work." I waved him off. "Its fine. She'll probably sleep the rest of the time." He gave me that face. I sighed. "Fine, I'll take my amazing assistant skills and leave for the day." He laughed. We went in the building and he insisted on holding Xela because she was sleep. People looked at us crazy. "What are yall looking at?! Dont yall got shit to do?" Xela's body shook and she started crying. "Oh I'm sorry Xela." I grabbed her. "Its fine. Thank you for lunch and extra time off." He nodded. "Its was no problem, I had fun." I smiled. He winked at me and walked away to the elevator. "Oh Xela." I went to my car and buckled her in. Before I drove off I texted Jayden.

Jayda: If you want I can pick you up from practice today I got off work early
Jayden: practice was cancelled. can you come when I get out?
Jayda: yeaa

I drove to Jayden school and it was 2:35 and he gets out at 3:00. I sat and scrolled through instagram until he got out. I looked through my notifications and saw '@daveeast has followed you' and that shit made me smile. Why do this nigga got me smiling at my phone?

I followed him back and closed my phone. I took this time to switch my shoes back. I took off these painful heels and put my crocs back on. I heard the school bell ring and I saw kids coming out. I went to put my shoes in the trunk and I saw Jayden and some boy coming towards my car. "Damn, who this is?" the boy tried to say quietly. "This is my sister ugly ass. Go on somewhere." Jayden pushed him and went to get in the car. I was laughing. "How was your day pookie?" He mugged me. "Dont call me that Jayda." I smiled. "But, my day was alright I guess." "What happened?" He shrugged. "Nothing serious, it was boring as hell for a Friday." I drove off.

"I have some news that will make your day a little better. We are going to Miami on your Spring Break." He looked at me like he didn't believe me. "Stop capping Jayda." "Im not, I put that on Xela. My boss is taking me for a business trip, but I cant just leave you and Xela, so he is paying to take all of us." He hot all hype. "Is he yo boyfriend or something?" I quickly shook my head. "No, he is my boss." He eyed me. "Mmhmm, whatever you say."

What do yall think about this one?

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