Chapter 1

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It’s six in the evening, a huge vintage watch told him. But he knows that it is not certainly the case. He stared at the glass windows and noted how quiet it is outside. Although the inside of the airport is buzzing with people, the outside is a different story. It is December after all. People from all over the world are pouring in, some are tourists, some are getting back to their families. He is neither. This is indeed his hometown. He was born here, raised here, but he can barely remember those times. The past three years are enough to bury the memories of his childhood for good. There are just so many things to remember from those three years that he find it difficult to remember his life before that.

                “Harry, you alright there, mate?” A blond man asked beside him. His name is Niall. He is part of that whirlwind three years.

                “Yeah, just a little tired, is all.” He answered quickly, his voice having more grit than usual. Niall nodded and went back to eating a bar of chocolate he got from one of the airport stores.

                Harry straightened his back and stretched. It has been a tiring flight indeed. He ran his hands through his curls and then rubbed his face, trying to wash the tiredness away.

                “How long will it take before we are allowed to go?” His other band mate, Zayn, asked.

                “Not long, but they are making sure we can go out peacefully. Well, as peaceful as people allow.” Liam, the most responsible, answered.

                Harry stayed quiet as his band mates talked about random things to pass the time. He pulled the little device on his watch and moved the time, setting it to one. He checked his phone, making sure he counted correctly. He did. He always has his phone on London time, mainly because he wants to know if he’s calling his family at the right time, but partly because he wants that little part of home with him all the time. Although home is starting to mean the same as a house.

                “Alright lads, everything is set.” One of the guards informed them.

The five boys all stood and picked up their bags. They walked silently for a while just making themselves aware that they are back home. They do not usually think about things like this when they go from one place to another because it will just take so much time. It’s really hard to go from one place to another at such a fast pace, both for their bodies and for their minds. It may seem enjoyable waking up and not knowing if you woke in the morning or in the evening unless you open the curtains. It may seem cool having to ask where you are. It may seem awesome that you don’t understand what most of the people around you say because they talk in a different language. It’s not. They all know that, but it is part of what they do. It’s a very small price to pay compared to what they receive in return.

“What are you thinking?” Louis’ high pitched voice echoed from behind him.

“Nothing.” He answered.

Louis is his best friend. He is friends with everyone in the band but Louis knows him better than any of the other lads. It’s not something that happens because they spend more time with each other or because they always talk to each other. It just happens. He spends his time with the lads equally, which is all the time, but Louis seems to read him better than anyone. That scares him a little but he can’t help it.

“You are not thinking about nothing, you are walking in that strange way.” He whispered in Harry’s ear after walking a little faster to be beside him.

“I am not wal—wait, you watch me walk?” Harry asked Louis, giving him a what-the-fuck look.

“Hey, now don’t be so freaked out about it, I was behind you so I had nothing to do but watch you walk. And it’s not my fault you are thinking deep, and not my fault I know either.” He said confidently, knowing he’s right, just like every other time.

“Just, thinking about how we are home again.” He mumbled.

“It’s good isn’t it? I can’t wait to really be home.” Niall heard apparently. He’s such a nice lad, always so thrilled about the little things. He went on rambling about things like good old beer in front of the telly and some nice tasting home cooked food.

“Is it because you will be back in your lonely flat?” Louis asked Harry. They always tease him about how he is single. He is not single of course, he has a girlfriend back in L.A. but she is only his girlfriend when there are cameras. He must admit supposedly dating one of America’s princesses is good publicity for both her and his band, keeping the cameras pointed at them. He’s not so keen on keeping the ‘womanizer’ label though. It is okay with him though, because it helps the band and he does not have a girlfriend anyway.

“No.” He answered him.

“That’s bullshit and we both know it.” Alright, maybe he did not answer fast enough.

“You can just blurt it out or something, you know? Or just stop seeing her when they tell you to do so. I know this is bothering you more than you let it show. Just stop it. I don’t like the idea anyway, and the others do not like it as well. And yes, we have talked about it.” Harry’s eyes widened when he realized they talk about it without him knowing. But a more noticeable blush told Louis that eh agrees with them.

“I’m okay, really.” Harry answered, walking a bit faster.

Louis did not try to match his steps. He knows he’s ashamed and he does not want to talk about it any further. Harry is not the type who just go on faking relationships. He’s just as real about it as anybody. He values love and everything it entails but this time he loves the band too much he’d do anything. Louis shook his head at how unselfish his friend is.

The doors are opened for the lads, the cold air hit their faces. Liam had to pull his coat tighter around his body and Zayn shuddered. There are a few flashes from the small crowd that gathered up front. Most of them are paparazzi with unbelievable contacts, their fans are asleep but they know they would have come had their arrival been announced. They’ve got separate cars waiting for them as they are heading to their respective homes.

Louis was surprised when Harry stopped walking and turned to him.

“Would you go to a pub with me tonight?” He asked.

“I’m sorry mate, but Eleanor’s been waiting for me.” Louis is apologetic. He does not want to let his friend have a night out on his own but he has his own life to go back to.

Harry just nodded, a single emotion did not even cross his features. He seems to know the answer to his question already. “I understand. I’ll see you after Christmas.”

Louis watched his friend get in his car and drive away, without even looking back.



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