Memories of Malivore

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"Hope" I heard a faint voice say. My eyes blinked open as I woke up in the same place I fell. I sat up and my father hugged me along with Marcel. "You had us worried kiddo" Marcel said as a tear slipped down his cheek. "Well I'm fine now" I replied and stood up. As I did something caught my eye. "Really Dad" I said to the man who had Vincent, Freya, and Eva magically bound to the wall. We chatted while we waited for the trio of witches to wake. "Where are we" a woman's voice said. "Why did you bring us here" the voice of Vincent demanded. I whipped around to face them and slowly walked towards the three. "Have you ever heard of the Hollow" I asked Vincent. "Never why" he replied, obviously lying. "So you don't have a book written in your handwriting with sacrificial magic spells" I questioned knowing he did. His eyes widened. "Do you know what it is! I just found it" he asked a little loudly. "Yes. You see that book and that magic will only bring terror into New Orleans" I replied. "How do you know that. Your just a baby witch. What did you get your magic 2 years ago or something" he tried to get on my nerves. "I've had my magic since I was one for your information and second, I'm from the future and you and your wife give this horror breath" I explained to them. "Now, where's the book" I demanded. "Why would we tell you" Eva answered for them. I smirked and raised my hands to cast a spell but Dad cut in. "Hope don't. Last time you did this alone you almost died" he informed me like I didn't already know. I sighed motioned for Marcel and Dad to come over here. They obeyed and I whispered a spell that made them freeze in place. I started to chant the spell again against their wishes.  "Youve fuerat ad monumentum, Youve fuerat ad monumentum, Youve fuerat ad monumentum" I felt myself getting tired again but I could do this. I chanted the spell so many more times that my mouth started getting dry before the spell I cast on Marcel and Dad broke. I finished the spell and started to wobble and almost fell when Dad caught me. He pulled me up and steadied me. He didn't let go of me either. "I was a child stealing psychotic maniac" Eva said in disbelief. "Hope Mikaelson" was what Vincent said as he looked at me in realization. "Hope" Freya said in a quiet voice. I would have run to hug her but I didn't have the strength so I just nodded while my eyes teared up a little bit. "Marcel can you let them go" I whispered and he nodded before undoing all their shackles. They all stood up and looked at me, Dad, and Marcel. "Vincent" I started quietly. "Do you think we stopped the Hollow" I asked him. He didn't say anything for a while before answering with "I don't know". I finally regained my balance and everyone said they would go back to Mystic Falls with us but Marcel had to stay for a while. He said he would show up with Davina at some point but now we have the family back together, besides Mom. I sat in the front seat of the car while Dad was driving. I didn't realize it but I fell asleep.

Klaus's POV

I looked over at Hope and noticed she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful but that didn't last long before she started whimpering. "Hope" I said worried and gently shook her. "Hope" I said one more time and she jerked up and let out a sigh of relief when she realized we were on the car. "Are you okay" I asked her. "I'm fine" she answered but I could still tell something was haunting her. I decided not to push it because if she got angry something might happen and we're in a car so that wouldn't be good. "So we have to deal with Daliah, we don't know if we have to deal with the Hollow again, and I still have to be born so I can stop Malivore, and" Hope Started listing but I cut her off. "Malivore" I questioned. Her eyes grew wide for a second but she tried regaining her cool. "Hope" I growled. "Dad it's nothing" she tried to reassure me. "Then why do you have to stop it if it's nothing" I questioned. "Uh- I um" she stuttered and I narrowed my eyes at her. She didn't say anything else so I pressed the breaks and got out of the car, knowing she would follow me. "What are you doing" she asked as she walked up to me. I quickly put my hand on her head to get inside.

Memories of her knowledge of the so called Mud Pit Hell Dimension came up. Her jumping and coming back out only to be forgotten by everyone. The fact that the curly haired irk she danced with once was supernatural and his son and a freaking Phoenix!!
How she figured out she was the loophole and her encounters with the so called Necromancer that we saw with Daliah.

"Get Out Of My Head!!!" She finally yelled and pulled my hands off of her. Once we were both back in reality I looked at her and wrapped her in a hug. My little girl has gone through so much just for being born with my blood. She squeezed me tightly and I queried her tight enough to not break her bones or suffocate her. She pulled away and looked at me with sad eyes. "Dad promise me you won't die again" she said to me. I was taken aback. I didn't think she'd bring it up but I don't want her or me or the rest of our family to go through the pain of losing each other again. It felt awful. Worse actually. But if it comes down to it I will die. "I sorry Hope but if I need to do that to save you I will" I whispered and I felt like I had my heart ripped out when I said it. A saw a tear slip down her cheek and she hugged me again. We stayed like that for a while before finally getting back in the car to go to Mystic Falls.

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